Pet shop AU

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I walked through the back door, wanting to surprise everyone with my recovery from getting bit by the poisonous snake we got last week. Reminder to never leave Keith in charge of the snakes.

I walked in to the room only to find it chaos. Pidge has a snake around her arm. Alluras texting on her phone. Shiro is trying to clean the puppies, but it's more like cleaning himself. Hunk is caring for the turtles and fish while keeping the hamsters happy. Coran is holding a bird in the cage screaming how they lost two baby birds in the store.

Maybe I'll come back tomorrow.


Pidge stood up with a ball python around her neck. All of us looked at her like she was crazy. She walked over to the container of dead mice and picked two up by their tail. She turned to see us staring at her."not the mice," I heard Keith say quietly.

"Is their something on my face?"


Coran ran up to me to explain the new bird we got in. I was upset. Not at the bird or at Coran. I was upset that I let Coran get more birds when we can baerly manage the ones we already have.

He ran to put the cage away and ran to the computer. I walked over to see what he's doing, only to see more bird that can be purchased. "Coran." He looked over at me. "No more birds. Please."


I was working the register when I saw a man with white hair walk in. I guess he was staring because I heard commotion in the back starting with "Stop staring at my boyfriend!" Keith was yelling from the other end of the store to this guy.

I looked up to see the man setting down a heart shaped dog toy. I swiped it on the scanner and placed it in a bag. "4.50 please." I said looking at him. He gave a twenty. I took out the money owed back and said "Would you like a receipt?" I saw Keith glaring from the back of the store walking over to me to switch places. "Depends, will it come with your number?" He smirked at me.

I felt blush grow on my face but Keith pushed me aside and said "Sorry, he alreadyhas a boyfriend." Keith leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I was still to stunned to do anything.


"Shiro. Can you get the boxes of dog food from the back and stack them." He looked over at me with a smile on his lips. "Sure." I walked up to the cat food to do inventory check while Keith did inventory of the fish items. I saw Pidge and Hunk walk out, helping Shiro by grabbing the other two boxes. Before I knew it, they were throwing cans of dog food at each other.

"Lance! LOOK OUT!" I turned around to see a can go flying in my face. When I came to, I saw Shiro and Keith looking down at me with a worried look. I saw Pidge running over with some towels and Hunk with a bowl of water. I looked up to Shiro, "What happened?" He said he would explain later. I couldn't remember how I ended up on the floor.

Shiro grabbed the towel and put it in the water. He gently dabbled it on my forehead and placed it back in the water. He did that a couple times before he let me sit up. I asked what happened and he said he would explain in the break room. I tried to stand up, but it was to dizzy. Keith picked me up and carried me into the break room. Allura were sitting in room when they saw me.

"What happened to him?" Asked Allura. He explained how Pidge and Hunk thought it was a good idea to throw dog food cans from across the room and called it "trick shots."


The night guard called out sick so one of us had to stay the night. I said I would do it. Their was nothing to do tonight so might as well. I waved everyone goodbye and gave one last kiss to Keith before he left and locked the doors. I went to the dog area and played with a few of them. They were so fluffy.

I guess I fell asleep their on the soft, fake grass because I heard everyone yelling for me in the store. I saw the dogs were their still sleeping and I was to tired to get up. I put my head down for another second, but fell asleep. I woke up again to see everyone around the dogs sleeping or just laying down and scratching them. I sat up and saw Keith walk in the the room with two coffees. He handed me one and sat down next to me.


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