Hands Off

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Lance never came from a big family. He had and older brother and younger sister with a mother and step-father. They were also some of the richest people in Cuba. When the paladins return to earth, Lance is taken back by his family and the other paladins need to get him back.


Keith and I walked into the main training room, watching the new cadets practice. Keith went over and helped the few who struggled with the swords and daggars. Keith is the perfect boyfriend. He's hot. He's smart. And he's got a sweet side. When we go on dates, hes the perfect gentleman. I knew he was going to be here for a while so I went out to the garden. Its quiet there and I loved the quiet we have for once. Voltron isn't needed for any heavy lifting to fix the community's or having the fate of the universe destroyed and we can hang out. I was almost down the hall when a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned to find Veronica. "Veronica. What's brought you here?" She looked around and yanked me into the closet. I tripped on a bucket which cause Veronica to turn and give me a death stare. Veronica handed me a paper. It said to read when I'm alone. I looked back at her. She had a panicked look on her face. "What's the matter?" She looked downward, looking at her shoes. "Its him again." I paled at this. I thought they forgot about me.

Veronica left, letting me make my way to the garden. I sat down on the concrete bench next to the small, white fountain. Why was he here. I thought they were over this. My family I have now, isnt my blood family. They adopted me after I left my real family in Cuba. My real family were jerks. They acted all snobby and only cared about money. They sent us to a private school, but even there, everyone wanted our money. I had two friends, but they only stayed my friend for the money. When my parents heard off what happened, they found a way to get them arrested for treason from a set up. The same thing happened to my ex girlfriend. Instead of arrest, she was publicly executed. My real parents had two boys and a girl. I had an older brother and younger sister. They never really did anything against our parents. They were the perfect kids. I was the odd one out. I had blue eyes while the rest had green. I was tanner than the rest of them. I had curly hair where as they had straight hair. I ran away from home at thirteen and made it to America. I brought money with me and some small things.

This was where everything changed. I met the McClain family. They were so nice. They let me stay with them. After sometime, I told them what happened. They didnt push me or change their view of me. They were so accepting. Eventually, all good things must come to an end. My real family must have found me, because I woke up to pounding on the door. Mrs.McClain said that I couldn't come downstairs. I heard a crash and a scream from downstairs. Older brother, Sean, was holding me by the waist, preventing me from seeing what's happening. I escaped him and rushed down the stairs, almost tripping. I found my parents butler and some police force with Veronica on the floor. I helped Veronica up and told them to stop. I handed Veronica a paper saying how I was going to make it to the Galaxy Garrison and we can meet again there. I left with Butt-faced butler having a death grip on my shoulders and the police on both sides of me. When in Cuba, I dreamed of the few months of freedom I had. I got a lot of glow stars in my room, on the ceiling. I smiled, knowing I could still have an amazing future. I left once more to the Garrison.
Veronica was the first person I saw again. The McClains allow me to come over for breaks and spend the holidays with them. I missed this.

I looked down at the note in my hand. The cream color mocked me with the wax pressed symbol. I didnt think people still used this. I thought it was passed the eighteenth century. I opened it carefully, not to damage the envelope. The paper inside was the same cream color. I opened the note and started reading.

Dear McClain household,

   I want to make this clear now. Give me back my son. He has been missing for five years and he is meant to be the next heir to our fortune. If you do not bring him immediately to this location,  xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx, we will take him by force again and won't be as generous.

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