Serial Killer Lotor and Victim Lance

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I was walking home from my shift at the the office. Keith wished me a good night and offered to drive me, but I declined. He was leaving early in the morning for a meeting in Wisconsin so I didn't want to bug him. I walked into the lobby and saw their was a new bell girl and person at the desk. I walked up and said hi and stuff. They said their name was Axca and the bell girl was Ezor. They new each other before they started the job. I told them to have a nice night. I took the elevator to the twenty-second floor. I walked into my apartment and saw some of Keith's clothes of the floor. I though he might have been here to surprise me, but I noticed they were all ripped. I went to the corner of the hall and heard someone in my bedroom, cursing every other minute. I went to the kitchen quietly and grabbed an empty bottle. I walked back, avoiding the squeaky boards. The person got off of the bed and walked into the living room. They picked up the photo frame of mine and Keith's first date. We went to the beach and rode some of the rides there, but the picture was us on the Ferris wheel holding hands at the top. The sky was a light purple with a cotton candy pink and a blue. The sun was just on the horizon. I loved that picture.

The person smashed it on the ground. The threw some of the others onto the ground. I walked behind the person and smashed the bottle on their head. The glass shattered on the ground, making a big mess. The figure stumbled, but turned to me. I knew him. Lotor. He worked in the office for a while, and tried hitting on me while Keith and I were together, but he was a serial killer. He murdered seven people before the cops caught him. The office was hectic that day. Police were everywhere and Lotor was their waving his knife around and stabbed a few people, screaming for someone named 'Blue'. I remember being shoved under the table with Keith, Hunk, and Pidge in front of us. Shiro and Allura were locking the door and baracading it with Coran. We were stuck in the office for several hours. The cops walked in telling us Lotor was caught and would be going to jail on second degree murder of seven accounts.

Why was he here now. I saw the blood dripping on his face and through his hair. His white hair was turning red. "Blue? Why would you do that? You hurt me, you know" he went to a bag in the corner of the room. I grabbed the scissor that were on the floor. "Stay back!" I was trying to grab the house phone, but I couldn't feel it. I looked down and saw the charging cord. "Looking for this?" I saw Lotor with the four house phones in his bag. The charging stands with them. "I knew you would have tried to call help." Lotor had duck tape in his hand with a fabric cloth. I ran to the bedroom and shut the door and locked it. I pushed the dresser in front of the door and moved the desk in front of that. Lotor was banging on the door for me. I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I heard a loud crash and the door slamming open. I was ready to throw things a Lotor. I grabbed the bottles of shampoo and conditioner and waited. I heard footsteps and the front door shouting. I also heard a police siren. I peaked out into the bedroom. The dresser was flipped onto the desired. Damn.

I walked out of the bathroom, very cautious. I looked down the hall to the living room and saw no one. I did however see the bag with the phones. My phone was their to. I ran as quietly as I could and grabbed my phone. I opened it and was about to dial 911. I heard a floor board. I shot up and turned to see Lotor their ripping a piece of tape off the room. I backed up, hitting the wall. I dropped the phone, causing the screen to shatter and the the phone to break. Lotor stepped on the glass, getting closer to me. I was trembling. Lotor had a manatic grin on his face. "Lot-lotor. Lets-lets t-talk abo-about  th-thi-this-" he cut me off. "SHHHH- My Blue. You should have thought about that before you smashed that bottle on my head. Now be quite and you'll get a reward." I was trembling so badly, I fell to the grown. Lotor placed some tape over my mouth and tied the cloth over my eyes. I tried to struggle, but it was so weak that it didn't faze Lotor. He took my hands a wrapped the duck tape on my wrist. He also tied my legs. I was picked up. Lotor was being very careful with me. I was shaking in his grip. He was shushing me and cooing at me. I felt something soft under me. It was my bed. The bed shifted and I heard Lotor grabbing something. I felt my blanket fall on top of me. Lotor ran is hand through my hair, talking me to sleep. I started crying. The tears were absorbed from the cloth on my eyes. I was so scared. I just wish Keith was here.

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