⊙ Children? ⊙ Part 1

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After a new mission, the team all went except Lance. He wanted to stay and help the princess with moving something around the castle. So as they went around this naturefilled planet, they found wonderful smelling flowers. As they all came back, they were greeted with Allura telling them to go take a shower and get some rest. Shiro and her talked along the way. Keith walked faster, trying to get away from the love couple. Hunk and Pidge were talking about the planets structure and nature. Everything was well.  'WAS' keyword.


I woke up to a light headache forming but pushed it off. It was seven and wondered why no alarm had gone off. Surely, Coran or Allura would have already set it. Unless? I shot up, panic rushing through me. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom, changing my apparel from night wear to day wear. I started running to the dinning hall as fast as I could before getting yelled at. When I saw no chairs out, no voices speaking, and no breakfast at the table, I was confused. I walked over to Alluras room to see if she was their, but to my information, Allura isn't five. I found a little girl wandering around in a pink onesie that had little flowers going up the side of her leg.

I walked up to her, "Hello. Can I ask you name?" I was praying that I was wrong with what was going on. I can only hope. " My name is princess Allura. I five and I live here." She beamed a smile my way. I deadpanned. crap. Crap! CRAP! WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS! I rushed to find them. In total, I have three five year olds, a seven year old, and a three year old. This.... might not be that bad. I walked over to Pidge and picked her up. Hunk and Keith grabbed onto my legs and Allura ran to my back while Shiro held my hand. Don't ask how I managed. We all walked over to the dinning hall where I had all of them sit in their chairs.

I ran to the kitchen to get them some food. I walked back out with six plates of food for everyone. I placed spoons for everyone except for Shiro and myself. We all started eating in silence, but yet again,  I am the oldest. I tooy back all of the plates and started to wash them from all the little specks here and their. Suddenly, I looked across the room to see a chair about to fall on Allura. I ran at her and held her close as the tall chair hit me on the head. I was just set on making sure Allura was okay. I looked at them all and said not more rough housing when I remembered yesterday.

When I was putting stuff away, I found Alluras baby stuff and toys. I told them to follow me and behave to get a surprise. We made it to the room and grabbed the box and walked to the lounge. I placed some of the toys on the ground for them to play with while I go finish cleaning the dishes. When I was done, Shiro came in telling me that the others fell asleep. I guessed they didn't get over naptime yet. I grabbed Allura and and Pidge. Keith stirred and I told him to grab onto my back. Hunk grabbed my pant leg and Shiro walked next to me. We all walked or were carried to my room. I layed them all down on my bed and rapped them in a blanket.

I went to the desk and sat down writing what happened so far. I guess I fell asleep because I woke up to whispers  and a blanket falling to my head and a thud. I shot up and saw Shiro and Keith on the ground. Keith looked like he was about to cry while Shiro was trying to comfort him. I walked over to them and smiled. "Are you okay Keith?" He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm okay. We just wanted to let you sleep and we fell." I wiped his tears away and told him to be brave.

"I will, but my knee hurts." He exclaimed. I looked at his knee and saw it was red. I said "Would you like me to kiss it so the pain goes away?" I did this for my younger siblings and cousins all the time. He nodded his head and I bent down and kissed it. He smiled and started playing with the others again. I told them let's go get lunch. We all walked together while they all asked me questions.

We finally made it and I was feeling so tired. This was wearing me out. I grabbed six plates again and put goo on them. Hunk walked up to me to help. I handed him two plates and told him to bring it to Allura and Keith. We all sat down and enjoyed the meal. They took their plates up handing them to me so I can wash them while they go play.


I just put everyone to bed and told them where my room was. I was writing down what happened when I heard my door whoosh open. I saw Pidge and Hunk holding hand having tears in their eyes."What's wrong?" I say scooping them into my arms. They look up at me and said "Hunk said their was a monster under his bed and I was scared so we came to get you." I was surprised at the fact with how well Pidges grammar was. "You two can sleep with me if you want. They nodded. I told them that I would go with them to grab their blankets and pillows. I walked and saw everyone was up. We all went back to my room to have a big sleepover in my room. We all fell asleep peacefully. They were hugging onto me like a life line.

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