Woah Mom

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I was walking with my mom around the base. I was looking for Hunk and Lance because they were the only two who I haven't introduced to my mom yet. She wanted to meet them to. I saw Lance next to a window, reading a book in the cafeteria. He looked super into it. I ran up and hugged him from behind. He was really startled and almost fell off the chair. He turned and saw me, "My God Pidge! Don't just startle me like that, please." He sat back down but patted the seat next to him telling me to sit. I sat down and waved my mother over.

"Mom, this is Lance. Lance this is my mom." Lance brought his hand out to shake hers. She got all flustered and shook his hand. She sat down next to me. "So Lance, how are you recovering? I heard you took some of the most damage," mom asked. Lance stuffed his book into the bag next to him, "I'm doing better than before, but the doctor said I can't do any running or over the top training because of me getting a bigger head injury. He said I should read the book and it's actually really good. You know Pidge, I wish you told me your mom was meeting me, I would have bought flowers." My mom was flustered again. Lance started telling her about space and how he tried to make sure I was okay and feed and slept. Matt also joined halfway through.

"Well, I need to get going. I need to help Veronica with some of the other siblings. I'll see you around and it was nice meeting you Mrs. Holt. You too Matt." Once Lance was out the door, Mom turned to me and Matt, "Either one of you marries him or were going to have a really angry Cuban family on our hands because I'm kidnapping him." Me and Matt look at each other. "Mom you do know he has a boyfriend." She choked on her breath. "Then kidnapping it is," she said as she stood up.

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