Burning Cold [IDK what to call this]

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  Blue loves all of her paladins from past and present, but it's so different. This one is different. He doesn't like to kill. His personality is so different from the other paladins of the past. He has so much care to give while none comes back, and Blue just cant fathom it. But of all of this, this is what makes her paladin stand out and be the best she has ever had. With the love and affection he give, she cant let him go. He is the chosen paladin. The true guardian of the blue lion. The one who will be guarded for life by the blue lion. Blue knew she would need to start it soon. She started small though. She entered his dreams time to time and gave him the greatest Joy's she could. She cuddled and started planting her roots into his mind. She moved on to talking more and telling him all the time he's the chosen one. Blue was slowly getting what she wanted.

Lance POV

I couldn't stop the thought that blue was way more responsive than the other lions. I talked with Hunk and Pidge about it, but they think it's a figment of imagination. Its seems so realistic at time and it hard to decipher because of how blue acts. She has her feelings and demands and never stops saying how I'm the chosen one. Whatever that means. I walked over to the observatory and watched the stars. After a little the stars kind looked like a lion. I rubbed my eyes and looked back to see no lion. I walked out and to the kitchen and talked with Hunk for a little. He was cooking for dinner and said we can finish our conversation when eating. I agreed with him and walked around the castle. The walls turned a very light shade of blue and grey to accent. I looked around and realised it's just my mind playing trick on me. Hopefully. I cant help but get a bad feeling about this. I found myself at the blue lion hanger after wandering for who knows how long. I walked to blue and sat next to her. It suddenly got cold. It was the kinda cold when you lay in snow for a little or first get into the ocean. I zippered my jacket up and started talking with blue. I hope its blue or else I really am insane.

Blue said a bunch of random cryptic stuff during the conversation. She would say stuff like "Soon it will happen" and "You'll be with me in time." It worried me a little for if blue was sick or something. Dinner was called and I left feeling even colder than before. I hope Hunk made stew or something to warm me up.  When I arrived, everyone was eating already and chatting. I listened in as they all rambled about their day. Allura turned to me and asked how my day has been. "It was pretty good. I went to talk with blue and we had a nice conversation." I didnt hear anyone talking so I looked up to find everyone staring at me.

"Blue. Talking. That's very funny Lance." Allura had a slight laugh while Shiro gave me a skeptical look. "I'm serious. She does have a mostly normal conversation. She has been saying some random stuff time to time, but I doubt its important." Allura gave me a look like I was crazy and announced that their would be no night training. I was happy internally for the fact that I can go to bed early. Keith said he was going to train and Pidge and Hunk were going to do modifications to some stuff. I was almost out the door when Shiro wanted to talk to me.

"Lance, when you say blue has conversation with you, do you mean like a real talk. You would talk with another person conversation?" I nodded at him. Shiro sighed. "Glad to know I'm not the only one, but when you say random thing, what do you mean?" I felt the air get colder and the walls became a darker blue. "Uh... yeah. Blue says stuff like I'll be with her in due time and soon my cub or something like that. I feel like she knows something but she wont tell me." Shiro nodded to me. "Okay, well see if you can find out what it is and if anything weirder happens, let me know. Black hasn't done anything like that but we do have small conversations once in a while. Maybe you just have a really good bond with your lion." I shrugged at Shiro and excused myself to go to bed. Blue wanted me to stop by really quick before going to bed. I walked up to her and said good night to her. I felt this strong urge to get closer to her. When I reached out, a light started pulsing. I tried to go back,  but I just couldn't. When my hand reached the cold metal, I felt a small shock and surge through my body aswell as the room freezing now. Its was like I was in a blizzard.

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