Allura can be an A-hole

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I just wanna say, I dont hate Allura at all. She a great character.


I was sitting in between my two amazing boyfriends, Shiro and Keith. We were in the cafeteria on the school campus, eating lunch. We were going to the movies in an hour or two for a date. I left after some time to get ready. While getting ready, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Allura. She gave a me a nice smile and asked to come in. I let her inside. Her mood changed dramatically once the door was shut. She glared at me and shoved me onto the wall. I tried to get her off, but she had me pinned. "Listen here Lance, and listen good. Stay away from Shiro and Keith. Now that were back on your planet, go find some new boytoy. Shiro and Keith never loved you and never will they."

I didn't want to listen, but I couldn't help it. She knew my insecurities. She dropped me to the floor and walked out. I took off to the roof. Luckily no one saw me. I sat their for a few hours, thinking about what Allura said. I was still going to be with Shiro and Keith, but less intimate. I got up from the roof and walked back to the apartment. Shiro and Keith were running around trying to find me. I made it to my room without being seen. I washed my face and went to bed. I couldn't sleep until three a.m.

When I walked out of my room, Keith and Shiro were down the hall with breakfast. When they saw me, they bombarded me with questions. I told them I fell asleep on the roof accidentally. They were pampering me while cuddling. They asked if I was comfortable, if I needed anything to eat or drink, was I cold. I heard the door open and Pidge, Hunk, and Allura walked in. I felt myself stuffing when Allura and I met each others eyes. While Pidge and Hunk were having a conversation with Keith and Shiro, Allura said she needed my help with something. Shiro and Keith didnt mind and I had to go with her.

Allura pushed me down when we were outside the apartment. She started yelling insults and negative thing. This became a normal thing soon. Every chance Allura had, she would put me down. She was hanging out with Shiro and Keith more and more. Then she told me to break up with them. I knew that this was the line. I told her that I wouldn't. I loved them to much. Allura didnt like that at all.

I walked to my room and found a note on the door. It was mid day and I finished my classes. I took the note off the door and walked in the dorm. I sat on the bed and opened the note.

Dear Lance,

    Keith and I needed to tell you this. We can't keep going. Keith and I just dont love you anymore. There may have been love before, but not anymore.
Goodbye,   Shiro and Keith

I couldn't believe it. They probably fell for Allura. She is better than me. I started to pack my stuff. I left the pictures of us in a box on my bed along with other things. I called mama to tell her I'm coming home. She could tell I was upset so she didnt question. She said when I get home I can play with my niece and nephew and help Sofiá with her homework and see Veronica. I walked to the train station and bought a ticket to the airport. Now I had to wait.

Third Person

Shiro grabbed the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He grabbed some of the food that he bought from Keith's hands. "Lance, were back." Shiro looked around. Lance's keys weren't on the table. Or his wallet. Or his phone and his shoes are missing. Shiro called Lance, thinking he was caught in traffic. Keith called Shiro to the window and showed that his car was still in the parking lot. Keith and Shiro bolted to Lance's room. They found no one in the room, but a box. They opened it to find all their memories and such. What they also found was a note. Shiro was furious. "Who would write this," asked Shiro. Keith didnt know what to do. Keith ran to get his phone and found the GPS tracker and found Lance's location. "Hes at the train station. If we hurry, we can make it." Keith and Shiro ran to the blue Honda and blew through the red lights. They made it to the train station in under ten minutes. 

They ran to find Lance. Looking at all the loading platforms. Keith Finally spotted him about to get on the train. "Lance!" Keith yelled to him. Lance didnt hear him and still sat waiting for the train. Keith and shiro dashed on the over ramp to get there. The train was pulling up to the station. Keith jumped over the railing and yelled for Lance. Lance turned at who was calling him, surprised to see Shiro and Keith running over to him.

Keith plowed into him, knocking them both over onto the ground. Shiro picked them up, while Lance was still confused. "Lance, please dont leave. We love you so much. Who ever wrote the note was not us and we'll make sure they know not to mess with you an-" Lance cut Keith off by kissing Keith. "Keith. It's okay." Shiro smiled and took Lance's stuff from his arms and walked to the car with Keith and Lance trailing behind.

When they made it back to the apartment, Shiro and Keith talked about how they would never give Lance up and gave him much love. Later, while Lance fell asleep from the movie, knocking was heard. Shiro got up to answer the door. Allura was standing their in a fancy outfit and sauntered in. "Allura? Why are-" Allura cut him off. "Lance told me about him leaving. It's such a shame. I came over to cheer you and Keith up. I brought food and movies and Ice cream-" Allura was shocked to see Lance on the couch, asleep in Keith's arms.

"Why is he still here?" Allura turned to Shiro. "Why is he still here?!" Shiro didnt know what to say to her. He was confused on why she was being so rude. "I spent all this time to get rid of him and here he is still with you two!?!"
Allura brought her hands to her mouth and looked over at Shiro.

"It was you who did this to Lance!"

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