Chapter 10 - Meeting the gang (Rewritten)

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Lilly's POV

"I told you this was a bad idea!" Shadow growled as we spurted through the forest, trying not to stumble over the many roots covering the ground. "We should have never let the boy stay!"

"Calm down Shadow..." I panted, stopping when we reached a small clearing. "...Hiccup is a friend." I put my hands on my knees, chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. What a way to start this morning! First I wake up to find Hiccup gone and now I have to hide on my own island because Mrs. Night Fury is throwing a fit. And then the strange dream...could it be true or was my mind just confusing things after Hiccup told me all his stories. Still, it was like I could still feel the boy's hand on my cheek and those brown eyes...

"That's what you think, but you should never trust a human."

Shadow's voice shook me out of my thoughts.

"You trust me." I shot back, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes at her.

"Yes, but you are are more dragon than human."

"What?" I knitted my brows, but before Shadow could explain I noticed the sky above us darken. The air was filled by the flapping sound of wings.

Shadow growled beside me, obviously angered that Hiccup and his friends wouldn't leave us alone. "Up there Lilly, quickly."

Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I hurried to climb up the nearest tree, hiding behind the green branches. Just then, the dragons landed carefully between the trees with several thumps. Shadow growled again, spreading her black wings slightly when I heard a squeak.

"Oh, by Odins beard, is that what I think it is?"

Willing my breathing to calm down, I peeked through the leaves and watched as a big built blonde boy hopped of a Gronckle.

"It is, Fishlegs. That's Shadow - she lives here with Lilly." That was Hiccup speaking. I watched him moving closer to Shadow, who was still growling, Toothless right on his track.

I could hear Toothless speaking up: "Shadow, please don't worry, we won't do you or Lilly any harm, these humans are dragon's friends. I only ask you to trust me, could you do that, please?" He looked at Shadow with pleading eyes and eventually she calmed down, her eyes growing wide and she gave a light puff.

"Oh that's so exciting, it's like they're actually talking to each other!" The Fishlegs person spoke again.

"Well of course we are..." I could almost feel Shadow's eye-roll. I giggled.

"Lilly? Where are you? Please come out, I would like to introduce you to my friends. Everything is okay, you don't have to be afraid." Hiccup looked around, trying to find me. Well I guess if Shadow decides to trust them, I should too.

"Woah!" Hiccup startled as I jumped down behind his back, spinning around. "Oh thank Thor, there you are."

He closed the distance between us and pulled me into a tight hug. Looking over his shoulder I found five humans staring at me open-mouthed. Hiccup pulled away eventually and turned to his friends.

"Guys, this is Lilly."

I didn't know how to react so I kept looking back at them until one of the boys spoke up.

"Woah, Hiccup, why didn't you tell me that you spent the last days with Mrs. Lout, cause that's what she's gonna be." The black haired boy walked up to me, wiggling his eyebrows.

What is he talking about?

I was utterly confused. " name is Lilly...."

Everyone, except the black haired boy, started laughing.

"Ignore him. He's a muttonhead." A blonde girl spoke up as she punched the boy in the ribs. She eyed me up and down, her gaze lingering on Hiccup's tunic. Her eyes wandered to Hiccup, then back to me, her expression wary as she finally spoke. "Anyway, I'm Astrid and I guess we owe you a thank you for saving thanks..."

She held her hand out to me and smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. I frowned, staring down at her outstretched hand, not knowing what to do.

"You shake it." Hiccup whispered in my ear.

"Oh..." I said, taking her hand. It was only a brief touch, before she pulled away again.

"Hi, I'm Fishlegs and these two over there are Ruffnut and Tuffnut, don't pay too much attention to them, they're a wandering disaster." Fishlegs said as he stepped over to me.

"Hey, you know we can hear you!" The boy named Tuffnut exclaimed.

Fishlegs shrugged and looked back to Shadow. "Is that your Night Fury?"

"I don't belong to anyone!" I heard her growl.

"Shadow is friend." I simply said.

"Of course. That's great."

Then I sensed a different voice in my head, coming from another dragon. "Is it true, you can really understand what we're saying?"

I looked around, searching for the source of the voice and found the Gronckle coming closer.

"Yeah, I can." I replied.

"Oh this is amazing."

Soon I found myself circled by the dragons, they looked at me curiously and when I turned around to touch them, they let me pet their heads. Smiling I brought my gaze up to see everyone staring at me, bewildered.

Hiccup's POV

Never before have I seen a dragon draw to a person that fast, I was completely amazed as I watched the scene before my eyes. As was everyone else.

When my eyes met Lilly's, she looked at me, giving me a timid smile. Not realizing I was holding my breath, I released it before stepping towards her .

"Will you come with us? To dragon's edge?" I asked hopefully, extending my hand to her.

She looked down on my hand before sharing a long gaze with Shadow. When she finally looked back at me, she reached out and put her hand in mine.

"Shadow says yes, we come."

I couldn't fight the bright grin spreading on my face. "Then let's go, shall we?" I said as everyone hopped on their dragons and flew up into the sky - destination dragon's edge.

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now