Chapter 93 - Not a slave part 2

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3rd Person POV

Lilly didn't know how she found the voice to scream. All she knew was that she was soaring higher and higher before she started to fall to what would surely be her death. The air around her was freezing, it stung like a thousand needles. For a second she wondered how it must feel to crash onto the hard ocean surface...when suddenly someone grabbed her around her shoulders.

Lilly stared up, not trusting what her eyes were seeing. A dark dragon, so familiar...but yet her connection with the Bewilderbeast prevented her from recognizing who it was. It was as if a fog covered her eyes. She made a growling sound, when suddenly a face appeared from the dragon's back and Lilly's heart pounded faster. She new this person...or did she?

She shook her head, tried to fight the hammering pain in her head and for a second she succeeded. Hiccup! It was Hiccup who came to rescue her!

Lilly wanted to say something, to thank him and Toothless but the way Hiccup stared at her with wide, shocked eyes made her forget that she could speak at all. Why was he looking at her like that?

It soon became clear when the pain in Lilly's head increased as the Bewilderbeast's voice echoed in her mind. But that wasn't the worst part.

Undegon and Lilly were fused so tightly together that when he spoke up, Lilly felt her own jaw move as the Bewilderbeast used her to speak in fluent dragon tongue.

"No one refuses my command!"

Hiccup's heart raced in horror as he stared down at Lilly - something was terribly wrong. He was used to be met by her kind, ocean blue eyes that alway seemed to hold a sparkle but what he witnessed now wasn't even close to that. In place of her beautiful eyes, he saw two evil looking, icy ones and a pupil that was as thin as a slit. What made it worse was that Lilly suddenly started to thrash about in Toothless' grip, so hard that the Night Fury had trouble to keep his hold on her. It was like she was having a if she was possessed by something.

But the true horror began the moment Lilly opened her mouth. She shouted loudly in a foreign language, that sounded like a mix of horrid growls and screeches and her jaw moved in an unnatural way as if it wasn't Lilly's will to speak at all.

"I am your Alpha! Come to me!" she screeched and Hiccup gasped in terror as a steady hum filled the air. Suddenly it hit him, but that couldn't be possible, or could it?

Down on the ship, his friends were thrown off their dragon's backs and one by one the dragons took off into the air, circling the Bewilderbeast's head.

The giant dragon was forcing them under his will.

It was only a matter of time till Toothless started to feel the Bewilderbeast's calling too. He shook his head violently in a vain attempt to resist while he struggled to keep Lilly from falling. Hiccup's heart pounded so hard against his ribcage that it hurt. He knew that he had to act - now.

He bent forward and stroked one hand over Toothless' head. "No, no, you gotta block him out, bud! He is not getting you a second time! Do you trust me?"

Toothless made a sound of agreement, but it sounded strained. 

"Let's bring Lilly down! We need to break the Bewilderbeast's influence on her. Just close your eyes, bud. I'll take the lead."

With another purr of agreement Toothless closed his eyes while Hiccup brought his hands up to cover Toothless' ears. He was completely depending on Hiccup now, but Toothless trusted his human with his life - together they could do this.

Viggo staggered and fell to his knees with a pained groan. His connection with Fulgur forced him to feel the Bewilderbeast's calling - it tugged at his brain and had him clutch at his head as his dragon left his side.

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now