Chapter 97 - The living and the dead

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Lilly's POV

„Hic-Hiccup?" I chocked out, not able to wrap my mind around what just happened. What was wrong with me? I never seem to act the way I am supposed second I am pouring my heart out to the man I love and the next...I'm expected to deal with something like this...but my reaction must have been the worst possible thing to Hiccup. Oh gods - I didn't think it was that bad, but everybody else would have known probably. I'm just a stupid girl who knows nothing but her dragons...whatever I touch, I break...but I cannot let him go like this.

Ignoring my protesting limbs, I jumped out of the bed and staggered towards my door. I found a grip at the door-frame as dark spots danced across my vision – too much movement too quickly. „Hiccup..." I breathed, nausea swirling unrestrained in my empty stomach and my head swimming with regrets. 

No answer.

Taking a deep breath I tried to calm myself and took a small step out into the hall. Surely he couldn't be far.

I stumbled forward, almost tripped on my way down the stairs as forming tears blurred my sight and the next thing I knew was ice cold rain slashing into my face. The entrance door fell close behind me with a low creak. I instantly wrapped my arms around my chest against the cold, I forgot that I was still wearing nothing but my torn nightgown.

„Hiccup!" I cried out once more - to no avail. My teeth began to chatter as I was soaked in icy water. I came too late - Hiccup and Toothless were gone and it was impossible to tell where they had taken off to. I managed a few more steps before I let myself fall to my knees. The cold seeped into my feet and spread painfully throughout my body, the frigid wind poking at me like icy fingers. Why couldn't he hear me out? Why couldn't I just kiss him?

A raw cry rose above the sound of the pouring rain and I was shocked when I realized that it came from me. I dug my fingers into the mud in an attempt to ground myself, not caring how dirty they got. Tears threatened to spill over but wouldn't come, in the distance I could hear the ocean's waves breaking at the cliffs. Desperation held my heart in an iron grip and I was tired of it, so tired...but there was also something else smoldering just beneath the surface, a deep anger that I couldn't quite put my finger on but that felt familiar at the same time - like a shadow lurking at the back of my conscious mind, a faint memory of another creature's emotions. What was happening to me? I only had a moment to wonder as the sound of flapping wings drew closer and for one second I dared to hope that it was Hiccup coming back for me. Heart leaping, I raised my head.

It was not Hiccup.

I had barely time to register what was happening when I suddenly found myself sheltered under a large purple wing. I gasped as I pushed myself up into a sitting position and stared into gentle yellow eyes.

"You must not freeze ñuha dāria (my queen). Stay warm." The voice of the Deadly Nadder was a gentle sound as the dragon scooted closer to me, wrapping me up under its wing and sharing its body heat with me. 

"What...?" I tried to speak but the words died in my throat as a shudder ran through my body. It felt like my frozen limbs were coming back to life. The sound of beating wings increased and my confusion made way to utter disbelief as more dragons landed on the meadow, their murmuring voices filling my head as they came closer. The Deadly Nadder that kept me sheltered lowered its head and slowly I placed my hand on its snout. The dragon closed its eyes and cooed. Something touched my knee, I looked down with a gasp to see it was a young Terrible Terror staring up at me with big eyes. What by all the gods?

"I feared I would never witness this again." Another voice filled my mind, drowning out all others and my heart skipped a beat at it.

"Grandfather..." My voice was barely audible. The surrounding dragons lifted their heads, moving to the side to make place as the blind silver dragon landed a few feet away from my spot and folded his large wings. Raindrops made their way over smooth scales to the ground making them appear as if they were made out of water itself.

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now