Chapter 18 - Brother and Sister

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Lilly's POV

Staring wide eyed I watched Viggo sit down beside me. Slowly he reached his hands out and I let him touch my face. I felt his warm and lightly rough fingers trace along my cheekbones, up to my eyebrows and back down to my chin while he let his other hand run gently through my curly hair.

"This is impossible." he breathed.

The look in his eyes a mix of shock and awe and something else, something I saw in his eyes before when we were kids.

"I saw you sinking. How can this be?" He was visibly trembling. It was like he was a whole new person, nothing close to the Viggo I encountered two days ago.

Tilting my head I asked: "Who are you?"

He let his hand drop to hold onto the bed frame. "You don't remember me?"

I shook my head lightly. "But I've been dreaming of you."

"You did?"

I nodded. "But you had no beard."

He laughed at this. "I guess I was younger." Viggo inhaled deeply. "Where have you been?"

I smiled, thinking of my best dragon friends. "I lived with Shadow and Jali."

"And who might that be?"

"My dragon friends, they saved me from drowning when I was little. I don't remember that day though." I knitted my brows, trying to remember.

"I do." I looked up at him, a sad expression showing on his face. "It was the day I lost you, little flower."

"You used to call me that in my dreams, why?"

"Because that's what you are, my little flower. My little sister, my blood." He touched my cheek again as my eyes widened in realization. He is my brother.

"How could a dragon save you?" he asked, his eyes narrowed in disbelief.

I put my hand on top of his on my cheek before bringing both our hands down, fingers interlacing. Smiling again I answered."I don't know, but they did. Jali and Shadow cared for me and protected me. They're family."

Viggo squeezed my hand and shook his head in disbelief. "I cannot believe this, they're just animals. Still here you are, alive and unharmed." His expression turned sad again. " All those years you were out there and I didn't try to find you, not once."

"You didn't know." I tried to reassure him. Then I saw something strange glistening in the corner of his eyes. A tiny tear dripped and ran along his cheek. I had never seen another person cry since the day I got lost, so I reached out with one finger and tipped it away, rubbing the wet substance between my fingers and not realizing that my own cheeks were coated in tears too.

"My gods...and if I just think what I almost did at the auction..." Viggo's voice trembled with regret and he buried his face into the palm of his hands.

I leaned over and put my hand on his shoulder, feeling my own heart aching at seeing him this sad. "It's okay...nothing happened to me now and also...thank you."

He let his hands drop again. "For what?"

"For saving know out there...with the men..." I shuddered at the memory.

Another tear slipped from his eye and I startled a little as he pulled me into his arms for a tight hug. "Oh gods's's really you, I cannot believe it..." He sobbed and sucked in the scent of my hair. I could feel the wetness of his tears soaking into my locks as he rocked me gently back and forth and without really knowing why, I just let him do this.

We sat like this in silence for a while, well silence aside from our sniffs and sobs and the sound of Viggo kissing at the top of my head but eventually I felt tiredness take over me.

I yawned and Viggo pulled me down with him, tugging me in under the fur blankets on his bed. Just like it was in my dreams.

I fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me. Even though I just met him it felt oddly natural and familiar like it was meant to be this way.

That night my dreams of the strange boy ended and never came back again, it was also the first night in thirteen years Viggo was not haunted by nightmares about me.

The sun was not yet up when we were woken by a loud cry. Startled, I jumped out of the bed and ran outside. No, this can't be true!

"Leave him alone!"

AN:  Did you cry? I did while writing 😅😭

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