Chapter 104 - New Shores (part 2)

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The shadows were long with sunset when they rode out of the woods, the horizon painted in rich shades of red and orange. Hiccup shivered violently from the cold breeze, but every time he made so much as a sound it earned him a slap to the back of his head and words that probably meant shut up.

His heart was pounding in dreadful anticipation as they reached a long winding road that lead to a wide field encircled by palisades. He shouldn't have called out to these men, how could he have been so stupid? Now he was their prisoner and they took him to Thor knew where. If he only knew what happened to Toothless. Please be alright bud.

Hiccup didn't know where to look first as they passed the guarded gate and rode into the camp. A large red tent marked the center with about twenty smaller ones set up around it. Soldiers wearing the same colors as the men who found him gathered around several fireplaces, some caught up in a conversation, some sharpening their weapons. The men who cared to look up let their gaze linger on him and Hiccup's stomach clenched. If he could only speak their language, then he could explain that he was no threat to them.

The man behind him swung out of the saddle, exchanged a few words with a round-faced man dressed in a long brown robe before he returned and yanked Hiccup off the horse as well. The man in the robe made a strange gesture with his hand as he examined the young Viking. His face reminded Hiccup of a mouse.

Hiccup was compliant as his hands were tied behind his back. There was no use in fighting with no chance to escape, not when he didn't even have his prosthetic. The man said something in his native language, pointing with his chin to the entrance and Hiccup gave a cry when he was tossed over the man's shoulder and carried into the command tent.

Once inside he was forced to kneel on the floor and then he was left alone safe for two guards standing outside. Hiccup took a deep breath and let his eyes wander.

The tent was divided in two parts. The back was hidden from his sight by canvas, but the front part consisted of an ornate wooden chair behind a large table stacked with maps and parchment rolls. There was a brazier burning in each corner.

Alright where was he?

He needed to find any indication who these people were, he had never seen their crest before or heard the language they were speaking.

"My men told me they made an interesting arrest."

A baritone voice tore Hiccup from his thoughts. He looked up and for a moment he forgot how to breathe. No, this is not possible.

A man, who looked to be around thirty, sauntered over to the chair, his brows arched and deep brown eyes sparkling with a hint of amusement as he pulled his feet up onto the table and took a large bite out of a green apple. His shoulder-long hair was combed back into a tight ponytail and his fine, detailed leather harness told Hiccup that this man was probably the commander.

"I don't know who's face is paler, yours or Father Sigward's," the man chuckled between chewing, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Hiccup struggled to find his voice. The dark brown hair, the jawline, the eyes. For a moment he had thought this man was - no that was stupid. Impossible even. A weird resemblance, nothing more.

"You. . . you speak my language?" he finally managed.

"I'm a man of many talents," the man shrugged and took another bite. Hiccup's stomach rumbled pitifully at the sight. He couldn't remember when he'd last eaten. Heat crept to his cheeks as the man observed him, his gaze not hostile but intrigued and a heavy weight dropped off Hiccup's mind. This man spoke his language, now he could finally explain.

"So, what shall I do with you - the dangerous Norseman," the man rubbed his stubbled chin, "A village not far from here was raided two weeks ago. That's why we're here," he gestured outside the tent, "We expect the Vikings to return and now my men find you stranded on a beach. They are convinced that your lot cannot be far behind. Now the only question is, did you fall overboard or did they throw you?"

Hiccup tried to adjust his legs into a more comfortable position and shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about. I was traveling. . ." With my best friend, my dragon ". . . alone."

"Alone you say?" the man drawled, unconvinced, "Where's your boat?"

"The storm. . . it sank. . ."

"Oh, it was a mighty storm indeed. Father Sigward nearly pissed himself," the man snorted out a laughter, "He swears the end of times is near and that he saw the creature of hell falling from the sky - the offspring of lightning and death itself."

Hiccup's heart did a somersault. Was it possible that they had seen Toothless? Still he decided it was better to appear clueless.


"A dragon." the man said and threw the remaining of his apple into the nearest brazier, "No dragon was spotted in the kingdom for three generations."

The man got to his feet and circled the table where he leaned back against it, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Where am I?" Hiccup asked, ignoring the sinking feeling in his stomach. This people didn't seem like friends of dragons. . .

"This is the kingdom of Wessex, where Alfred the Great is king." the man said and Hiccup swallowed thickly under his unwavering gaze, "You know, I don't believe you. You're a cripple, how could you sail such a long distance all by yourself?"

"I'm a man of many talents." Hiccup said, deadpan.

The man laughed loudly, tossing his head back.

"You got wits, I like that," he said, wiping a tear from his eye, "What is your name?"


"Hiccup . . . ?" The man arched his brows at him, urging him to go on.

"Just Hiccup." Hiccup bit his lip. It was better if this man didn't know where he came from, for the sake of Berk and their dragons.

"I see." The man closed the distance between them and knelt down before him. "Well I am still to decide what to do with you, just Hiccup. My men would love to see their thirst for revenge fulfilled and have you crucified or burned."

Hiccup's heart dropped to his foot. He had no idea what crucified meant, but he was sure he didn't like it and he sure as Hel didn't want to get burned. He stammered for words, desperately trying to find a way to argue himself out of this dilemma when the man suddenly burst out laughing once again.

"Holy Mother Mary, you should see your face," he barked out and patted Hiccup's knee, "No worries, just Hiccup, I was only jesting."

Hiccup exhaled deeply and forced himself to laugh a little. He didn't think it amusing in the least, but it was wiser to play along. And it seemed to work. The man got back to his feet and smiled.

"I like you," he said, "No one shall be allowed to take your life."

"So, do you let me go?"


Hiccup's hope fell as the man continued.

"You're a Norseman. We shall take you to King Alfred. He's very interested to learn more of your kind and then he's to decide your fate," the man said and turned to leave, "I'll send someone to bring you dry clothes and some stew. For now, you are our hostage."

"Wait," Hiccup called out as the man lifted the flap of his tent. He turned and gave him a questioning look. "What is your name?"

The man's lips quirked into a grin and he bowed a little.

"You may call me Lars - just Lars."

AN: Oh my god guys, that's it - there will only be the epilogue and the book is finally done before I start my Sequel.

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now