Chapter 63 - The dragon

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Astrid's POV

Another roar, rumbling like thunder, filled the air and I felt a shiver run down my spine as the foreign dragon kept shooting towards us. Its large leathery wings sliced through the fog like a knife through yak butter and I gasped when I finally caught sight of it as a whole. It was a dragon I never had seen before, slightly bigger than Hookfang and its smooth scales shimmered like obsidian with sparks of dark blue wherever a ray of sunlight would touch the dragons body. I could see three sharp claws, on top of both of its wings and a row of spines running down from the dragon's neck to its fan-like tail. It had two black horns protruding from its head and showed its razor-sharp teeth as the dragon roared again. Whatever this dragon was, it seemed to be furious.

"Oh Thor, what is this?!" Snotlout cried out, his eyes growing wide while he tried to keep his balance on a still very upset Hookfang.

Our dragons growled in response to the wild dragon's roar and I could feel Stormfly tensing up beneath me.

"I think we just discovered a new dragon, it looks amazing..." Fishlegs exclaimed.

"We should be careful, it looks aggressive!" I retorted and felt adrenaline rush through my veins as the dragon stopped in the middle of the air a few feet away from us, its  wings whirling the fog around it and its big nostrils vibrated as it was sniffing the air, turning its head from one side to the other as if it was searching for something. That was strange, we were right in front of it.

There was something odd about this dragon. I couldn't place it but it caused shivers to run down my spine. "What are you waiting for?" I murmured more to myself than to the dragon but the moment the words slipped from my tongue the dragon's head snapped into my direction and I gasped as I stared straight into its eyes. They were light grey but I could see no pupil, it was like the fog that surrounded us was clouding the dragon's eyes too.

I was so paralyzed by the sight of the dragon that I didn't realize right away that it was charging forward, shooting a blast of orange flames at us.

"Look out, Astrid!" Ruff called out to me as Stormfly dodged the dragon's attack and shot her spines in the dragon's direction. The dragon roared and shook its head violently as one spine grazed its left leg. Almost instantly the dragon shot forward with a furious screech and fired around in blind rage without really aiming at one of us. I shook my head in confusion. What's wrong with this dragon?

"Woah, he seems really upset!" Fishlegs yelled, drawing the dragon's attention to him almost immediately. Meatlug managed to dodge the attack and I saw Barf and Belch charging at the dragon and circling it with their gas.

"You like to play with fire? Than take this in!" Tuffnut yelled. A spark and the dragon was engulfed in flames for a brief moment, but as soon as they faded away it was chasing after Ruff and Tuff and trying to hit them with its flames. There was no possible way to make this dragon even more furious. This is pointless, we need to get rid of it.

"Guys, stop! We don't want to hurt this dragon!" I called.

"Oh and what about it hurting us?! That's okay for you?!" Snotlout exclaimed.

"It's just being territorial, Snotlout! We are the intruders here!" Fishlegs retorted.

"Maybe we can shake it off in the fog, I have the feeling this dragon can't see very well! Just stick together and try to be quiet! I'll distract it, come on girl!" I shouted, causing the dragon to turn and chase after me. Stormfly torpedoed through the fog, the dragon however was not as easy to cast off as I thought. It was almost like it could sense our every movement. I turned my head to see its black form getting closer. Then the fog lifted and I spotted an island right below us. Maybe this will work.

"Okay Stormfly, bring us down. Maybe we can shake the dragon off if we fly through the trees, he's bigger than us." I petted Stormfly's head and she purred in agreement as she dove down, heading for the forest that lay before us. Stormfly maneuvered through the trees with great agility and it didn't take long till I heard a loud cracking sound along with a furious screech.

I turned my head to see the dragon had crashed right into the trees, knocking them down in the process and was now struggling to get to its feet again.

Stormfly landed a few feet away and I hopped off her back when I noticed the others flying towards us and landing at our side. Another growl of the dragon drew my attention back to it and I heard Fishlegs gasp beside me as we watched the dragon get to its feet, only to bump into the next tree. The dragon growled in obvious distress and started to shoot flames at the surrounding trees. Our presence seemingly forgotten for the moment.

"You're right, Astrid." Fishlegs whispered. "This is blind. Maybe that's why he's so aggressive."

I nodded and bit my lower lip. "Poor guy, I wonder what happened to him."

"Do you think this was the work of dragon hunters?"

"I don't know Fishlegs, but..." I began but was interrupted by an overly excited Tuffnut.

"Guys, just look at this place! It's amazing!" he cried out and I rolled my eyes in annoyance as the dragon stilled in its movements and turned its head towards us, sniffing the air again before it lunged forward with a low growl.

"Well done, you muttonhead! Now he knows where we are!" Snotlout yelled.

Stormfly jumped in front of me in a defensive position with a threatening growl and so did the other dragons in order to protect us. But what happened next came completely unexpected.

Halfway towards us the black dragon stopped dead in its tracks and lifted its head up to the sky as if it was hearing something that we couldn't. With a final roar in our direction the dragon spread its wings and took off into the sky.

"What the hel..." Snotlout breathed, bringing to words what we all were thinking.

We stared after the black creature until it was nothing but a black dot in the distance. I could hear our dragons purr as if they wondered too what just had happened and let my gaze wander around. The trees that surrounded us looked nothing like any plant I've seen before and a sweet, exotic smell filled the air.

That's when realization hit me. "We made it, I think we just found the sapphire island." I breathed.

"Now let's find Hiccup!"

AN: Hey everyone, I am sorry this is just a short chapter. I am really struggling with this story at the moment but try my best to continue regularly. There will be another chapter coming up soon showing Viggo, Lilly and Hiccup again. I just needed to introduce this dragon, he will play a role later on.

Do you have any thoughts on it?

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now