Chapter 57 - Viggo's decision...

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Viggo's POV

The door closed behind me with a faint creak and I leaned back against the dark wood for a moment. This has not turned out the way I intended it to. I cursed under my breath for my inability to deny my sister anything, but there's no way she can fly to this island. Not now. Not under these circumstances. I knew I had to come up with something to prevent her from going.

My eyes scanned the hallway as I walked down the stairs for any sign the Berkians where still around but found the house quiet aside from the crackling sound of the torches that enlightened the hall. Good, I was not in the mood for another annoying discussion with Hiccup or one of his friends. I knew they all helped me to get my dear sister back, especially Hiccup, but it was done now. Lilly was back where she belonged, here with our tribe, with me. I couldn't deny my wish that they would all leave soon. I had to take the necessary measures to prepare my island for Drago's possible attack and no time to deal with the boy putting reckless ideas in my sisters head. Apart from that I couldn't stand his constant advances towards Lilly. Nanna's words were still resounding in my head and I knew, probably better than most, the bitter truth behind them.

Deep in thoughts I headed towards my office and frowned when I saw a strip of light shining from the crack at the bottom of the door. Careful not to make any sound, I pushed the door open and stepped into the room to find Hiccup sitting in front of the dragon eye and scribbling something into his notebook with great precision and concentration. He didn't notice me until I stood right behind him, ogling over his shoulder to see what he was drawing. Of course it was the map. Over the past few months that I've come to know Hiccup Haddock I've learned that the only thing the boy could hardly resist was the possibility to find a new dragon. Right then an idea hit me and my lips curled up into a light grin. This will work.

"I see you're drawing the map?"

Hiccup startled and almost broke his charcoal pencil as he spun around to face me. His face turned pale and his eyes widened, it was obvious that he felt caught out and I couldn't suppress a chuckle. The boy was so easily intimidated by me and I could hardly deny how much it amused me.

"Viggo...I...uh...I'm just..." Hiccup stammered.

"Everything's alright, Hiccup. Please, go on." I said and gestured to his drawing.

He gave me a puzzled look. "You let me?"

I walked around the desk and sat down in my chair, resting my elbows on the desk and folding my hands as good as possible with the bandage wrapped around my wrist. "I do." I said calmly and let my gaze wander to the dragon eye that rested on my desk. "But I would like to make you a better proposal."

Hiccup raised his brows. "Like what?"

I chuckled again. "Oh my dear Hiccup, I know how eager you are to find out what's on that island, the possibility to find another new dragon is gnawing at your mind. It's written all over your face." I paused and watched Hiccup press his lips together in obvious discomfort that he was so easy to read before I continued: "What would you say if I decide to give you the dragon eye?"

I leaned back in my chair slightly, resting my elbows on the armrests and brought my fingertips together in front of my mouth while I waited for the boy's reaction. It came almost immediately. Hiccup's jaw dropped and he shook his head lightly as if he was not sure of what he had just heard. " would give it to me? But why, I thought you didn't want us to fly to the island."

"Yes, I would. As for the other part, that's only partly true. However there's one condition." I said and leaned slightly forward again.

"What condition?"

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now