Chapter 37 - Revenge part 2

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Hiccup's POV

"I'll split his bony butt in two!"

Dad smashed his axe into a wooden chair, causing it to break in half. I startled and gulped, I had not seen him this furious for a very long time.

"Uh... dad? Can you please stick to the plan?" I was truly worried that my father would not be able to hold himself back and just smash Johann's head as soon as the trader set a foot on Berk.

Standing a few feet away, Viggo watched my father in silence, patiently waiting till his first fit of rage was over. Dad growled as he looked at me, but put his axe down anyway. That was the moment Viggo finally decided to speak up, very much to my relief.

"I truly appreciate your condolence Stoick, but if you don't mind I would like to deal with Johann my way." Though his voice was friendly it was clear that he would not tolerate any objections.

Father sighed, still visibly enraged but trying to calm himself. "Sure Viggo, this is your revenge. I just can't put into words how much I despise that little snake of trader."

"Neither do I, but he shall get what he deserves." Viggo smiled in a way that made my skin crawl before we left our house together to discuss the plan with Gobber and the gang.


Today was the day. Today, Trader Johann was expected to arrive at Berk with a new load. I woke up early this morning, the sun had still not risen but I couldn't sleep anymore. Pictures of Lilly haunted me in my dreams. Oh how I wished to hear her laugh again, smell her skin again, feel her hug me again. I hope Viggo can bring Johann to tell us where he took her, if this strange Bloodyfist guy really has her. My heart ached as I recalled Viggo's words about the madness of this man. Lilly has to be alive, she just has to. Groaning in frustration I put my pillow on my face but that didn't help either. After a good while of tossing and turning around I decided to get up and distract myself from my dark thoughts. Careful not to wake Toothless, I grabbed my notebook and charcoal pencil and sneaked down to our living room.

Lightning up a fire I sat down at the wooden table and continued to work on my new draft of an improved Inferno. It didn't take long till my eyes felt heavy again and I drifted off to sleep once more.


"Huh? W-what?" I startled out of sleep when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. Blinking several times I noticed it was Viggo standing behind me. I must have fallen asleep while drawing. The sun had risen now and I could hear the noises of a waking up village from outside.

"May I?" Viggo picked up my notebook to take a closer look and I simply nodded, still sleepy. He chuckled at the sight of me. "Hiccup you should look at yourself, you're black."

What? Wiping a trail of saliva from the corner of my mouth I realized what he meant. I fell asleep on one of my drawings and now one side of my face was smeared with black charcoal. "Oh great."

Grumbling I got up to clean my face and Viggo chuckled again while he followed me, still studying my notebook. "This sword is really brilliant, but I think you could still improve it. Here, may I show you?" Viggo picked up the pencil and adapted the draft a little. I turned to look over his shoulder and was stunned. "Wow, that's actually a great idea." Viggo grinned and flapped through the pages to look at my other inventions. Maybe we have more in common than I thought. I was about to show him my new idea for a flying suit when we heard Gobber's voice from outside. "The trader is coming!"

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now