Chapter 41 - A dragon for Viggo

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Viggo's POV

Another bolt of lightning struck near as a monstrous wave slammed against the ship causing it to jolt to the side and then crashing back down, jolting our bones. I grabbed on to a part of the ship as I was nearly tossed over the side, however I didn't know which part I held onto because I was thrown around so much that my vision turned blurry for a moment. I fought to stand up again and watched Hiccup do the same a few feet away.

That's when we all heard it. A screech, so strident that I instantly knew it could only have been made by one thing and one thing only.

Looking up I saw it coming closer at an indescribable speed. A Skrill. The dragon seemed to be part of the storm itself, a bright grey and purple coloring, channeling the storms lightning bolts to itself. The dragon shot a bolt at our ship causing the mast to break down and set the wood on fire. I could hear the riders yelling without making out the words when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. "Viggo! We need to get up in the air!"

Without thinking twice I grabbed Hiccup's hand and jumped on Toothless back behind him. The Night Fury flew up into the storm, the heavy rain making it hard to see anything in the darkness. Another lightning strike illuminated the sky for an instant and I saw the Skrill chasing us. The dragon shot out another lightning blast at us but Toothless dodged it and flew up higher, hiding amongst the dark clouds.

Looking down I could see the sky enlighten for a short moment whenever one of the dragon riders attacked the Skrill or at least tried to. "We need to separate, the Skrill can't follow everyone of us!" I yelled above the raging storm. Hiccup nodded and Toothless flew down again, shooting a plasma blast at the aggressive dragon to distract it from attacking Snotlout and Hookfang. The Skrill dodged and instantly charged forward, screeching in rage. Toothless torpedoed through the sky but the Skrill was not easy to cast off, it chased us through the storm with impressive determination.

Deciding the chase was going on for too long, Toothless suddenly spun around and fired a plasma blast at the Skrill who managed to dodge it again. It shot a lightning bolt in return just in time as Toothless fired right back. Lightning met plasma in the middle of the way and the intense impact of the dragon's shots caused us as well as the Skrill to get unsteady and fall from the sky.

Crying out I felt my body come in contact with hard branches cutting my skin as I fell through large trees before I hit the ground, the impact drawing all air from my lungs. For a moment everything went blurry, I couldn't breath and all I could hear was a sharp ringing in my ears. Finally I felt oxygen fill my lungs again, inhaling and exhaling heavily, I tried to sit up and thank Thor I was not too badly injured aside from a few new contusions.

"Hiccup!" I called out for the boy, looking around frantically. The rain had stopped and the wind slowed down so I was able to make out a faint groan a few feet away from where I came down.

Biting back the stinging pain I got to my feet shakily and started to approach the weak sound. It didn't take me long till I found Hiccup and Toothless lying at the other end of a clearing, broken branches spread out all around them. Hiccup sat up rubbing his head and looked at me relieved. "Are you okay?" I gave a short nod and started to approach him and Toothless when Hiccup's eyes suddenly widened. "Viggo, watch out!"

Turning around I came face to face with the Skrill, it was still sparkling with electricity the expression on the dragons face told me it was ready to kill. Toothless got up and growled threateningly, ready to attack when suddenly an idea hit me. I recalled what I read about the Berserkers using metal daggers to lure Skrills into traps a few years ago. It seemed now was the time to test it myself. Raising one hand towards Toothless I said with a calm voice: "Don't fire Toothless." while I cautiously pulled out my dagger from underneath my tunic with the other hand.

"Viggo are you insane?!" Hiccup cried out but I didn't pay attention to him. In this moment there were only the Skrill and me, this was our dance.

The dragon locked his yellow eyes with mine for a second before he was caught by the sight of the metal dagger I waved slowly in front of his eyes. "Easy dragon, I am not here to harm you." my voice remained calm as the dragon circled me, his eyes never leaving the soothing movements of the blade. "That's right. Don't pay attention to them, there is only you and me. Just keep your eyes on this. That's right." After a few more moments I felt confident to take another step closer to the dragon, reaching out my free hand to touch his snout. Closing his eyes the dragon leaned in and the contact sent a sparkling sensation down my spine. It felt so right, like this moment was meant to be. The dragon opened his eyes again and I couldn't help but stare, it was like he was looking right into my soul.

"What by Odins beard was that?"

Reluctantly I turned my gaze away from the dragon to look at a very bewildered Hiccup who stared at me open-mouthed.
I grinned at him. "Well you suggested that I should find myself a dragon, didn't you Hiccup? Here he is." Looking back at the Skrill I added. "I shall call him Fulgur."

Hiccup approached carefully and shook his head in disbelief while Toothless and Fulgur sniffed each other, the rivalry from before completely forgotten.

"How did you do that?" the green eyed boy stared at me with unhidden curiosity.

I held up the dagger and smiled: "That's something I learned from the Berserkers. A Skrill is drawn to metal due to its electrical properties. With this you can sooth it."

"Wow, that's amazing." Hiccup eyed the purple dragon with awe.

"It truly is, but now we should find out where we are and search for the others." I took in our surroundings as the sun was gently rising, bathing the foreign island in it's bright morning light.

Flying up to the highest point of the island I looked out for a sign of the other riders when something else caught my attention.

Sailing along the horizon where ships, huge ships with a certain insignia on their sails. Letting my gaze wander a bit further I could see a huge icy mountain in the distance and something what seemed to be a fortress. Hearing Hiccup gasp beside me let me know that he saw it too.

Drago's base. We finally made it.

AN: So finally Viggo has become a dragon rider too.
I hope you all enjoyed. :) Don't worry, the others will show up eventually.

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