Chapter 71 - Big brother issues

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Hiccup's POV

Something was different about Viggo, I could sense it. The way he put pressure on my shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me almost hurt. I swallowed thickly. What have I done now?

"Uh Viggo is everything alright?" I dared to ask as we made our way from the training field back into town.

Viggo's grip on my shoulder loosened and his lips curled upwards as he looked at me. His smile however did not reach his eyes. "But of course my dear Hiccup. My apologies, I was just lost in thoughts." He let go and turned his whole body to face me, his hands folded behind his back. "You must know that although I have sent out several spies to inform me about any uncommon activities around this island, we cannot be certain about how much time we have until we will be attacked. Therefore it is of utmost importance that Lilly learns how to use a sword. She is in need of an effective training."

Seriously? As if I haven't trained with her just a few moments ago... I raised an eyebrow and slapped my hand against my forehead as if I had just realized what Viggo was talking about.

"Oh really? Because I totally didn't get it till now. I thought I am just here to show her how to slice bread."

Viggo huffed a short laugh but showed no other reaction to my sarcastic comment, which was rather unnerving. I would rather have him scowl at me than always being so calm and calculated. It was impossible for me to figure out what was going on in his head and somewhere deep down it freaked me out.

"Oh do not get me wrong dear Hiccup, I do appreciate your efforts to teach my sister but it seems that whenever you try it ends up being something entirely different." his voice dropped in tone and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

"What do you mean?" I let my hand run through my hair. This whole situation was beginning to make me uncomfortable.

Viggo hummed softly to himself and the next words he said had my breath snag in my throat. "I couldn't help but notice how the two of you act different around each other. It appears to me that Lilly can hardly concentrate when you are around. So I presume you paid special attention to my sister since your return?"

Oh now it's getting awkward...but he can't know or can he?

I laughed in an attempt to hide my nervousness, trying to find the right words. "Well...Viggo... you see we are just happy to be together again...there's nothing for you to worry about. You know that I love her."

Viggo hummed again. "Oh, I would never doubt that. There are many ways a man can love a woman. I wonder if you would like to tell me something?"

"No." I exclaimed a little too quickly, causing Viggo's eyebrows to raise a little higher. He didn't believe me, I knew he didn't. My heart started to hammer harder in my chest as my mind raced about what Viggo would do if he really knew the truth.

"Very well then." he sighed and continued to walk down the street without paying me another glance. For a moment I just stood there dumbfounded before I followed Viggo down the path. None of us uttered another word for a while, the crunching pebbles underneath our feet the only sound that could be heard. My thoughts drifted back to Lilly and the foreign woman, then to my friends who were somewhere out there. I just hope they are alright. Well they're probably already back home at Berk.

"Eira will take over Lilly's training from now on."

"Huh?" I blinked and shook my head as I realized Viggo was talking to me again. "You mean the foreign woman who talked to you earlier?" I turned my head towards Viggo who was walking beside me, his hands still behind his back. Viggo on the other hand didn't bother to look at me as he continued talking.

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now