Chapter 96 -Council meeting

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AN: Dear readers, I am so sorry for my long absence. The last weeks were really stuffed full with work and tbh I got stuck on the last chapters of this book. I had this chapter half ready for two weeks now but just couldn't think of how to continue. I do hope my writer's block is over now and the last few chapters come out faster. I thank everyone who is still waiting for my chapters. I appreciate that more than you can imagine. In this chapter there's only Viggo's POV. I tried to switch to Hiccup at the end, but it feels better to have his and Lilly's situation in a chapter of their own. Hope you enjoy :)

Viggo's POV

"You knew, didn't you?"

Magnus kept his back turned on me as we crossed the front yard of the villa. Sleety rain started to fall and the cold wind had me shiver. I wrapped my fur cloak tighter around my body and tugged at the hood to keep the stinging rain out of my face. It wouldn't be long until the first snow now.

"I admit that I had my suspicions about the black dragon, but I wasn't sure until I saw him with you and your sister, Sir." Magnus' voice rose in volume against the wind.

"But how is this possible?" I quickened my pace to catch up with him and put a hand on his shoulder. The rain against my skin was icy but I had more important things going on in my mind than physical comfort. I still had a hard time to come on terms with the fact that my own brother apparently came back from the dead as a dragon of all things.

Magnus stopped to look at me. "A dragon is more than just an animal, Sir. They are ancient, magical creatures - I am certain you experienced that first hand with your Skrill. I cannot tell you how, but having dragon's blood in one's veins is essential. The rest is the will of the goddess."

"That's hardly an explanation..."

"Some things don't require explanation but faith, Sir." Magnus answered plainly and started walking again.

"So what are you suggesting? That I should just believe it? That's not enough. . . it's against all logic!"

"Indeed, Sir."

That was utterly unsatisfying. I huffed under my breath - miracles where nothing I used to believe in and magic was something that happened in the old sagas, the poems of ancient heroes and gods that bards used to sing for the entertainment of my people in the mead hall. This wasn't supposed to actually happen and it most certainly wasn't supposed to happen to me and my family. And yet, it was.

We continued our way in silence. The streets were empty safe for a few obdurate hunters who braved the weather, not willing to stop their work of clearing the streets of debris and other remains of burnt down houses. I raised my arm to greet them and the men returned my gesture. It would take months to rebuild the town and with winter at the doorstep it would not be a task that I could take lightly. Only the gods knew when we would be able to return to everyday life. It was another stone plastered to my heart - what would grandfather say if he could see me now? All that he was proud of, all that he ever cared for was burnt to ashes. He would probably turn in his grave if he knew. Not only because of the destruction but also because I abandoned the business that he built our tribe's wealth on.

Magnus kicked a wooden sign out of the way as we reached the ruins of the tavern and took a turn up the alley that led to the great hall. I followed in silence, lost deeply in my thoughts. That was until I glimpsed a blond figure hurrying down the steps of the hall and calling out for her dragon. It was Astrid. I frowned. What could she possibly want out here in this bad weather? I didn't get to ask her though, as just then a dark shadow appeared above my head and in the next instant the black dragon - no, Ryker - landed right in front of me. The sudden movement made me stumble backwards and I couldn't bite back an annoyed snort.

My little Flower (HiccupxOC, part 1 of Grimborn Family AU)Where stories live. Discover now