The next morning, I put on a dark blue hoodie, white jeans and black converse. I had my hair tied up in a ponytail as I picked up my sword. I hid it behind me. Still no luck, since it literally looks big. I used teleportation to teleport outside my house. I couldn't let my parents see me with a sword, am I right? And plus, I need to get my self warming up with my powers and such before the fight. But wait...if I can teleport, shouldn't I just teleport directly to the mansion? Nah, I wouldn't want to abuse. What if I get teleported into a different place? I rather walk for 10 minutes.As I began strolling my way into the woods, I felt something vibrate in my hoodie pocket. I took out my phone and picked up Ben's call. "Hello?"
"Elise? What's taking you so long? Where are you?" I heard him inquire.
"Hm? I'm on my way. I'll be there in like 7 minutes."
He started, "Okay. Just try to hurry up. Slender and Jeff are waiting."
"Mhm. I'm on my way," I repeated. I hung up and I noticed something odd. My hand wouldn't stop shaking.
Gosh, I'm so nervous. Will I fail? Will I pass?
I placed my phone back into my hoodie pocket as I kept walking. That is until I saw the shadow of the mansion. I raised my eyebrows in surprise as I made my way faster. I opened the door and let myself in, closing the door behind me. I looked around, and there was nobody. Well, duh, it's like 7:21 am. I walked towards the kitchen and there they were. Ben, Jeff and Slender. "Child, I'm glad you're here. Did you have breakfast? It's very important for your energy," said Slender.
"Uh....thanks...and no, I haven't eaten breakfast." I gulped.
"Well, then, sit down, child. I'll make some pancakes for you," kindly ordered Slender. Ben went and kissed my cheek. "Good morning, freckles,"
"Good morning, Ben," I smiled big.
"Good morning to you, Elise. Hope you're ready," welcomed Jeff.
"Um, yes, of course—" I nervously remarked. Slender placed a plate with two chocolate chip pancakes. "Here you go, child. Now eat up at ease. We wouldn't want you to throw up. It's 7:30, be outside the mansion by 8:00."
I grabbed the fork and nodded. Slender gave a nod and teleported away. "You seriously didn't eat breakfast?" asked Ben. I shook my head no. "I was about to until I realized I was late."
"Ah," he replied, "want some orange juice or grape juice?"
"Orange juice," I responded, taking a bite from the pancake. "I'll be outside," remarked Jeff as he walked out of the kitchen. I let out a sigh. "I'm not ready!"
Ben placed the glass of orange juice in front of me.
"Don't worry," he began, "I'm sure you'll kick his sorry 'Snow-White-Jokey' ass."
I let out a laugh and hit his arm playfully. "You're so mean,"
He chuckled and shrugged. "Hey, I can't help it. It's in my veins,"
"Alright, place yourselves. Ready.....set.....go!"
I took out my sword and aimed directly at him, but I noticed I was too slow and he got out of the way. I fell onto the grass. I grunted. From the corner of my eye, I could've seen how he took his knife out and stroke at me. He was actually willing to stab me. My eyes widened as I quickly teleported away, behind him. He turned around, and with a blink of an eye, he ran towards me rapidly. I snapped but it was too late. I was tackled down as he aimed his knife right at me. I teleported behind him and stroke my sword at him. Seconds later, his legs began to turn into a cold substance.
I froze his legs.
"Ugh!" I heard him groan. I started to strike his frozen legs. Making him groan in pain, the ice broke as my eyes widened. He caught me off guard and grabbed me by the collar of my blue hoodie, stabbed my arm and threw me away. I moaned in pain as I grabbed on my wounds. I hissed as I tried to stand up from the grass. I got a hold of myself and grabbed my sword. I didn't care that I was hurt so I began running and running. He probably saw me running from a mile away, and just as I had been about to stab him, he surprisingly jumped in the air, turned around and brought his knife down to me. I yelped, watching the blood running down my stomach. I need some time. I'm weak at the moment. I summoned a wall of ice between the two of us, preventing any damage from him. I mean, it should protect me from any damage. I began to heal my wounds and the deep stabs. But a bang interrupted my healing. It was him. He was breaking the wall of ice.
What? How is this possible?
I saw the cracks and the wall slowly tearing down into pieces. He forced my defense down! He pulled my hair violently and threw me aside. I couldn't stand up. I didn't finish healing. He bent over and began punching me repeatedly. Aggressively, he threw a kick on my face and soon I felt blood dripping from my nose. I heard him chuckle as he stood up and walked away. "My job here is done, ice princess," I heard him mock.
How could I let him win? This was my opportunity to prove everyone wrong. To show them that I can.
Slowly, I picked up my sword and rolled away while I grunted. Ice spikes suddenly began to form from the floor and it got Jeff's hoodie. He groaned and broke himself free. I glanced to my side and there were Slender and Ben watching us fight from afar. I gave Ben a small smile as he pointed to something. I looked back and saw Jeff running towards me. I gasped and dashed at him, preparing to strike him with ice. I moved my sword and a beam of ice shot his hands. I gave myself a proud smile and summoned a knight. I cleaned the blood off my nose and panted. The iced knight made a move and stabbed Jeff with its sword. Jeff screamed and pleaded for me to stop. I closed my eyes and sent the knight back as I jumped and swung around. "Freeze," I shouted as I buried the sword on the floor, seeing the floor and everything surrounding it slowly turning into ice. Then, the ice got to Jeff's legs, slowly going up to his whole body. "Ugh....make it stop. It's freezing!"
"Call me 'Ice Princess' one more time, and I'll—"
"Or what, Ice Princess?"
Aggressively, I began throwing punches to his face. "Enough, Elise." I felt somebody touch my shoulder. I looked back and up, and saw Slender. "Release him,"
Should I?
"Elise," Slender began, "do as I say. Now."
It took me a few seconds to snap and melt the ice away from what could've covered Jeff's whole body. Jeff fell onto the floor as Slender picked him up with his tentacles and teleported away. "Come here, Freckles. Slender told me to bring you over to Masky and Hoodie so they can heal you up since you couldn't during the fight."
I glanced back at Ben, panting. "This.....this is all?"
"Yeah, I mean, you did amazing. If you want me to be honest, better than what Sky did. They both ended up unconscious." he replied. He placed his arm around my shoulder as we began strolling to the mansion.
I finished showering and put on some clothes Slender lend to me. I was in some kind of laboratory with Masky, Hoodie and Ben.
"I-I still cannot believe you didn't end up unconscious, Mrs. Davis," said Masky, wrapping up a around my arms and legs. "I thought I was going to be," I breathed out. "Slendy took Jeff away into another spare laboratory so I guess that didn't go well for him," spoke Hoodie.
"Really?" My eyes widened. Masky and Hoodie both gave a nod. Ben pat my shoulder. "Told you, you did amazing,"
"We'll see if he wakes up in a few weeks," chuckled Masky. "Oh, here," said Hoodie, putting a bandaid on my nose and cleaning up my blood that was still running down my nose. I sniffed and yelped. It still hurts. "At least you didn't end up as unconscious as Mrs. Woods," remarked Hoodie. "Yeah, that's what I said," said Ben to Hoodie.

Guardian of the Proxy (Ben Drowned story)
FanfictionElise Marlène Davis, a girl who lives in Philadelphia, the Australian school president, a very clever and naïve girl. An 18 year old high school girl who's always organized for everything. But changed completely behaviorally. She has a future way a...