Third Point of View:"Elise!" she heard a voice scream for her. She knew who it was. She didn't think twice. Tears began to fall down. He's here! He's here for her!
"Ben!" She yelled back. But, that made things worse as the creature began growling and everything started shaking. He was running towards her. She couldn't do anything. Her body wasn't reacting. That was until she felt someone push her. When she opened her eyes, she saw the love of her life. "We need to get out of here. Fast!" he yelled. She only nodded. "Ben, how? Magic is useless here. I've tried everything—"
He panted and looked around desperately. "There! We have to climb up there, there's probably a hole. I'll help you climb. But, we have to hurry and kill that thing, or else it will not let us get out."
"Kill it? Of course not!"
"Elise, don't you understand? Not everything in this life deserves to live. I don't deserve to live. I've been condemned like this—!" He roared. Elise started to sob. The creature let out another growl and started running towards them. They both ran as Elise got out her sword, Ben did the same thing. "Hurry up! You climb first!" She started to climb as Ben followed her. It took some time, but she finally arrived to the top and waited for Ben. But unfortunately, Ben was too weak due to the powerless cavern. He was useless without his teleportation. That is until Ben fell down to the bottom where he started and the beast began to run towards him. Elise didn't think twice and jumped down. It was risky, but she would do anything to save the love of her life. She held onto the walls and barely made it down. "What are you doing here?! I told you to wait at the top!" Ben furiously yelled. "I'm not going anywhere without you," she stated, almost about to cry. The beast scratched some wall as some rocks began to fall down, causing the earth to tremble slightly. "I'll be fine," he began, kissing her forehead, "now, climb up again. I'll be up in no time. If I fall, don't worry. I'll be back."
She nodded her head, trusting him as she made her way up again. She knew and caught up quickly since she went that way once. She cut her fingers because she was climbing rapidly so that Ben would climb as quick as her. Finally, she made it once again to the top and waited for Ben to come up. Ben took a while, but he was almost there. Elise, in order to help him, kneeled down and stretched her hand out to him. He grabbed her hand and she tried to pull him up. Obviously, he was too heavy for her, but she never gave up. He finally made it up as Elise stood up, with a satisfied smile plastered on her face. But, she placed her foot where it was slippery and slipped down, falling down once again. She let out a scream as she hit the ground hard. "Elise! Hang in there!"
Ben's Point of View:
I saw how Elise slipped and fell down. I felt so useless at this point. "Elise! Hang in there!" I yelled. She fell down but at least her back was what hit the ground, and not her head/face. "Ugh....don't worry about me. Stay there. Don't come down, I'll climb up as soon as possible," she said, standing up from the floor and slowly making her way up. I felt really bad by not helping her, but I was too weak to climb up and down. I mean, I could've run and jump and do other stuff....but climb? That's my worse enemy. She began to slowly climb up, still grunting out of pain. As soon as I saw the beast running towards her I got no choice but to climb down to help her, but that thing....teleported closer and with its paw, slapped Elise away. My eyes widened as I didn't think twice and climbed down faster. I tried to distract the beast but I noticed his attention was all for Elise. Elise was on the floor almost unconscious. I was scared of what the beast could do to this point towards Elise, but I was cursing and hating myself in that moment for being too slow. But that's when I decided to jump out of luck. I was lucky enough to land right and the baby came running towards Elise, who was weak. The piece to plan out a loud growl and I noticed he raised his paw in the air. My eyes widened and began shaking my head no. Finally saw Elise raise her head up and slowly standing up but she was too weak and constantly all down back to the floor as I saw the beast swing his paw towards her. I was questioning if it hit her or not. But I heard her grunt as the beast's nail pulled out from her now bloody chest. When I saw that scene, I barely recognized myself, or her. My beautiful angel, now covered in blood. Taking what could be her last breaths.
No. NO. Never!
I was in a state of fury, and I know I picked up my sword and launched towards the beast's chest, opening it wide as black goo began to come out and splash everywhere. "HOW DOES IT FEEL, HUH?" I yelled out. The beast screamed in pain as I saw how the creature began to vanish away. I dropped the sword and ran towards the love of my life. She was holding onto her chest. She was weaker and I knew it. She definitely needed help and I was panicking so much I didn't think through, so I just began to cry. I kneeled down and thought of climbing quickly for the fourth time, faster than ever and get some help. But I didn't want to leave her alone, I didn't know if there was another creature waiting amongst the shadows, and I didn't want her to go through anymore pain or trouble than there already was. And I only thought of one thing to do; stay with Elise until somebody comes comes down and helps us if obviously somebody does come down. I held her closer to me and grabbed her hand. She was shaking uncontrollably as tears were falling down her cheeks. "" she muttered out as blood fell from her mouth. "Shh..." I cried softly. "I know. Calm down. Don't concentrate on the pain. We'll get help. We're going to wait for everyone to come here for us.... don't worry."
I was calming her down although I was not calmed myself, I think I was more scared than her. The thought of losing her at the moment was unbearable, I started blaming myself for being weak at that moment and I wanted to punch myself but I didn't want to worry her. I started cooing her and twirling her hair around my finger and giving her kisses just to calm her down and get her to think of something else then just the pain.
But, in the end....I was scared of losing her.

Guardian of the Proxy (Ben Drowned story)
FanfictionElise Marlène Davis, a girl who lives in Philadelphia, the Australian school president, a very clever and naïve girl. An 18 year old high school girl who's always organized for everything. But changed completely behaviorally. She has a future way a...