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((Hello there! Yes. This is the final chapter for Guardian of the Proxy. I hope you all enjoy the ending as much as I did :) And thank you so much for reading this crap!))

Jeff's Point of View:

Ben is so fucked up at the moment. He is a complete mess as of now. But, hey, he isn't like me. I was way worse when Sky was banished away. He isn't that fucked up actually. He even decided to learn how to play the acoustic guitar, which I found weird. Can't blame him, though. He is in a mourning and I should definitely respect that like he did to me.

I was ordered to go to a mission for Slender. I was cursing under my breath, questioning why Masky and Hoodie couldn't do it. I wanted to ask Ben if he wanted to come with me to get off for a while, but in the end I decided not to. He'd probably tell me to go to hell or something. I was walking on the dark town, passing through several buildings. Yeah, I was done with the mission, but it was still a pain in the ass to walk home again. We left our cabin abandoned, since Sky was back, there was no use of keeping it. And besides, Slender hated that cabin for some reason, although he wasn't the one living there. I walked by a Dunkin' Donuts and got really hungry. I wanted a donut but I didn't have money, and I didn't want to steal. I'm not that type of person anymore....hopefully. I let out a sigh and kept walking straight forward. That is until my eyes were  caught by a young woman strolling down the streets, talking on the phone and 5 feet behind her, she, indeed, was being followed by a man. I kept watching to see if the man was going to do anything, and he did. He yelled at her to give him her phone. She was scared and gave him her purse. I walked towards them and poked his shoulder. When he turned around, he received a punch on his face as he dropped himself on the floor. I grabbed the purse from him and gave it back to her. Thankfully, I had my hood over my face. "Oh, my god...." she finally spoke, trembling. I noticed he started to stand up as I took out my knife and stabbed his ribs twice. The girl let out a scream as I cleaned off my knife with my hoodie. "Did you just kill him?!" she yelled.

I let out a scoff. "You should thank me,"

"I mean— yeah. Thanks— But, that doesn't change the fact that you just killed somebody,"

I turned around from the scene. "W-wait! I'm sorry! What's your name?"

"None of your business—" I spat before I finally began to walk away. This was the second time I've ever done something like that, helping others. I swear it's like Elise's spirit got into me, only that she wouldn't really kill people. As I was making my way almost out of town, I started to hear sobs. I looked around, trying to find the cause of it. I began strolling until I found a person sitting next to a garbage can. "Hey, kid, are you alright—"

I couldn't believe it.

No. It can't be her.

What the actual fuck.


Ben's Point of View:

Before Jeff left, he handed me a letter. I glanced at him with a puzzled look. He let out a sigh. "I didn't want to do this. But, it's a promise. She made a 'deal' with me a couple of months before the war. In her state of weakness, she didn't know if she was going to live or die, so she trusted me enough to give this to you if she passed, and if she hadn't, then, I would just rip it off. I don't know how, but I remembered to do this. She made me promise to hand this to you,"

I quickly grabbed the letter from his hand as he left the house. I placed the letter in front of me and debated whether or not to open it. It had her first name signed in cursive letters at the front. Yep, this was definitely hers. I know her handwriting. Specially if its written with blue gel. But, will the pain be worse?

What does it say?

I gave in. I really didn't think much of it and ripped it open.

"Dear Ben:

I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, apparently, I'm dead. Good news, if you're reading this, is that you are most definitely not.

Yes, this sucks. It sucks beyond words, but I'm just so glad I lived a life so full of love, joy and amazing friends. I am lucky to honestly say that I have zero regrets, and I spent every ounce of energy I had living life to the fullest. I love you all and thank you for this awesome life. I'm so lucky that I got to meet you again, and to share this with you. I love you so much, words cannot describe how much I do. I'm not in heaven. I'll always be with you, watching over you.

I don't like either that I lost to this battle, but I think I spent most of my life happy with you, my friends and family. Most importantly, I was unbelievably lucky to spend these years with the love of my life, you, Ben, and my best friend who is like the brother I never had, Jeff. True love and soulmates do exist. Every day was full of hilarity and love with you by my side. You are genuinely the best boyfriend in the universe. Time is the most precious thing in this world, and to have shared my life for so long with you is something I am incredibly grateful for. I love you, Ben.

Please don't think of me with pity or sadness. Smile, knowing that we had a blast together and that time was AMAZING. I hate making people sad. More than anything, I love making people laugh and smile, so please, rather than dwelling on the tragic Terms of Endearment end of my story, laugh at the memories we made and the fun we had.

As you're reading this, keep in mind that I will be next to you, with my head placed on your shoulder but of course you won't notice it. I love you so much, Benjamin. I'm sorry this had to come.

Don't ever forget me.

Truly yours,

Why, Elise? Dammit! I thought I was done with tears. I promise I will never forget you. That is definitely a promise I tend to keep. You are the highlight of my "life", and to have spend it with you was the best thing ever. But, I'm calm because I know you are. I'm learning to play the guitar for you. Soon, I'll be composing songs in honor of you, Freckles. I'm not as creative as you were. Were. But, I could try.

I'll be dreaming of you tonight, until tomorrow, hopefully, I'll be holding you tight. Definitely, there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be, then here in my room, dreaming about you and me.

Expecting to see something, or her, I look to my side where I'm sitting, and a smile is plastered on my face. I know she's here. I can't see her, but I can feel her. She's watching over me. It would disappoint her to see a fucked up version of Ben, but worse. I will fight for what's right, for her. Of course, this whole life without her will be meaningless, but know that I want to make her proud. So proud.

I love you, Elise Davis. I will never forget you.

The End.

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