*BEN'S P.O.V*"I've had it with you two!" I pushed Madison away. As soon as I turned to loon at Morgan, she teleported away. I smirked to myself. Leaving her own sister behind? What a pity.
Madison just let out a laugh, taking out her silver scythe and giving me a psychotic grin. "She finally understood."
"What," I asked through clinched teeth, gripping my fists so hard that my nails sunk into my skin and blood dripped down to the floor. "In order to keep the beast calm, she has to sing! How crazy is that?"
I gave her a scornful look. "My, my, look at you. The hero. The brave, hero, coming to save your princess, am I right? You're useless." she cackled.
"I may be useless, but at least I fucking try to save the love of my life--!"
This made her laugh even harder. I began to snarl at her. "'Love of your life', you say? Don't be silly. Love doesn't exist. Not even for you."
This was it. She got to my limit. I took out my sword and dashed towards her, as she swung her scythe and caught me off guard. I was just concentrated on punching her face, that I didn't notice she had her scythe. It hit my head, falling to the floor, and completely blacking out.
"P-please....no. We beg you--"
I opened my eyes to see-- Zalgo? And a Corrupted. But, there was also Madison and Morgan here. Is this a dream?
"Father-- my eyes! N-not my eyes! NO!"
I saw with my own eyes how Zalgo, without any kind of mercy, dug his nails into Morgan's eyes, taking them out with blood splashing the floor. Morgan let out a scream bloody murder. Madison started to cry uncontrollably for her eyes. I had just noticed they were both tied with heavy chains, so it was practically impossible for them to be freed. I knew that feeling. I rubbed my wrists and let out a deep sigh. Blood was still coming out of Morgan's empty sockets, as Zalgo walked forth Madison. It was her turn now. Madison began to shake her head no. Zalgo cupped her chin with his nails, almost digging them in her skin. He moved her head to look straight at him. She whimpered. "P-please, father. I-I'm sorry. We're sorry."
Zalgo let out a grunt. "Sorry? Sorry doesn't take back what you've done. Oh, wait. You didn't do anything--!"
He did the same thing he did to Madison. Morgan screamed at the top of her lungs, scratching and taking out bits of her skin. There was blood everywhere. Is he....torturing his own daughters?
Now, there were two fiends screaming on the floor, all covered in blood without any eyes.
"We're sorry!" Madison pleaded.
"Ugh," started Zalgo, "shut up!"
As Zalgo left the room, the Corrupted walked towards them to put a blindfold over their eyes, but they wouldn't stop screaming.
I gasped for air. The setting changed completely. I was in the kitchen. But....how?
"And remember, call me if it is an emergency. I will be back by noon or sooner. You are prohibited to leave the mansion. Behave," explained Slender, teleporting away. He had to leave because Splendorman had some kind of emergency. "Well, I'm out. See ya, losers," said Jeff as he stuck his tongue out, walking to the front door with his hoodie cap over his head. I glanced over at Toby, who was sitting across the table. "Do you know what this means?" I asked him. "What,"
"We can get Slendy's beers." I responded.
Slendy is not much of an alchoholic. He usually drinks when he's stressed. But, nothing more than that. I never get how he drinks stuff.
He let out a gasp. "You mean...the ones he drinks when he's in a bad mood?"
I nodded my head. "Let's fucking go."
Three hours later, and there we were, talking randomly about how Troce Sivan would look good in a sports bra, and probably a black skirt, with twin tails. Or maybe twin braids. If he had longer hair. But, a call from my cellphone interrupted us. "Hello?"
Oh, fuck.
Hide the beer cans. Toby, HIDE THE CIGARETTES.
"This was all a false alarm. I'll be home in 40 minutes. Are they all asleep?"
Definetly not. It is Sally's past bedtime, Masky and Hoodie are smoking, Jeff's out killing, EJ is watching TV with Smile, Sonic is also killing, and me and Toby are in the kitchen, drinking your beer.
"Uh," I began, "yeah. They're all asleep. Don't worry about it--"
"Good." that's all he said before he hung up on me.
Holy shit.
"Slendy's coming?" questioned Toby. I sighed through my nose. "Yep."
"You gonna tell Jeff and the others?"
I let out a soft chuckle. "The others, yes. Jeff, nah."
Toby stood up from the chair and threw out the empty cans in the trash, and I did the same. I walked over to Sally, who was on the floor playing with her dolls. "Erm, Sally?" She slowly tilted her head and looked back to me, grinning. "It's time for bed. Come on, Slendy'll be home soon," I picked her up. She whined but soon gave in, I walked upstairs, to her room and lay her on the bed. "Goodnight, Sal."
"Goodnight, Benny,"
I closed the door before I made my way downstairs. "Slendy cancelled. He's on his way here. Move the fuck up."
Everyone tensed up and hurried to organize all the things. EJ went up to his room, and Masky and Hoodie did the same. "Toby, spray the kitchen and the living room, it smells like dope."
For once, I actually felt like the boss. Usually, in situations like these Masky would be the boss around here whenever Slendy wasn't around. He's probably just stressed and tired. Guess there's always a first time.
Although, there's something missing--
The door slammed open, revealing Jeff, covered in blood. He walked over to the kitchen and opened the cabinet, taking out a bottle of whiskey. "Jeff, I gotta tell you something," I started. He looked over at me and gave me a sign for me to continue. "Slendy's coming in 40 minutes. He cancelled."
He spit out his whiskey. "What?!"
I began to laugh hysterically. "I'm just kidding. He's coming in about 10 minutes."
He put the bottle of whiskey away, running towards the washing machine and placing his stained hoodie in it. This is way too fun for me.
Wow, I'm such a dick.

Guardian of the Proxy (Ben Drowned story)
FanfictionElise Marlène Davis, a girl who lives in Philadelphia, the Australian school president, a very clever and naïve girl. An 18 year old high school girl who's always organized for everything. But changed completely behaviorally. She has a future way a...