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All the boys left and it was currently just jonah and I. We couldn't go back to see aspen and Emma because  they were sleeping, and we still have no new news on Kate. Jonah was sleeping in the chair next to me, and I had my head rested on my hands. I was exhausted but I told myself I wasn't going to fall asleep.

30 minutes later~

The doctor i talked to earlier, walked up to us. He was holding a clip board and had a sad, tired expression lingering on his face. I sprang up from my seat, causing Jonah to fall off his seat. He yawned and shook himself awake and followed me.

"Hello sir" said the doctor

"Hi again." I Said trying to hint to him that I wanted him to spill the news.

"I'm assuming you would like to know what the deal is with miss Kate?" He said putting on a tired smile

I nodded and looked over at Jonah who looked like he was going to fall asleep again. I hit him softly on his arm. He startled and nodded to. Although I don't think he knew what he was agreeing to.

"Yes well. Her condition is critical. She has two broken ribs. Two broken legs and a fractured jaw" he said sighing."

I didn't even know what to say. I just nodded.

"And currently she's in a medically induced coma to help her heal through the immense pain she is in" he said finally.

"What! For how long!" I Said stammering

"We don't know. It's up to her healing now. But I need you to prepare yourself for her to not wake up." The doctor said.

"Oh." I Said.

Tears. The tears. I wiped my eyes. She needs to wake up. I need to tell her I'm sorry. She has to know I'm sorry for what I did. She can't die not knowing.

"Can we see her?" Jonah asked wearily

"Yes right this way." He said.

Jonah patted my back and I followed them too her room. He pointed with his hand into the room that Kate was in. He didn't enter and left with a sad smile. I nodded my head in thanks. Jonah walked into the room right away and looked at her. I stood in the door opening in complete shock.

She was lying in the hospital bed with a huge machine hooked up to her helping her breathe. She had both her legs casted, her jaw was wrapped up and she had stitches all around bruises and small cuts on her face. Her hair fell in tangles on her shoulders. The sides of her eyes were still stained with tears. She had wires taped to her bony chest and an IV sticking out of her hand. The heart monitor was beeping steadily and the slow rising and falling of her chest was shaky.



"Hey Daniel!" Jonah said trying to get my attention"

"W-w-what" I said wiping the steady stream of tears falling from my eyes.

"You should let the boys know they can visit in a couple hours" he said

"R-right" I said pulling out my phone and texting the boys. I checked the time noticing it was 6 in the morning.

I walked into the room and sat in the chair on the opposite side of Jonah next to her. I picked up her frail hand and looked at her. She looked like she was in pain but at the same time, very peaceful.

"Can I have a moment with her please" I Said to Jonah. He nodded and slowly got up, I noticed he had a couple tears on his face. He was a lot better at hiding his pain than me.

He left he room and closed the door behind him. I turned my attention back to her.

"Kate I need you wake up. I-I know you can hear me. I know you'll get through this. You're the strongest person I've ever known. Y-You'll get through this. You have to. I need you to. I can't f-function without you, I'm better in every way with you by my side. The boys and girls all miss you like crazy." I Said hiccuping between a couple words. I paused for a second and continued

"I need you to know that what you saw that night..." I let out a soft sob.

"I-it wasn't me. I was forced too. But you already know that. Before that show I told you I-I l-love you, a-and I still d-do. I did it because she threatened t-to hurt you. I would do anything to protect you. Once she said that I knew I had no choice. S-So I did what she asked hoping she wouldn't hurt y-you. Then she said if I told you, she'd hurt you. I swear I hate her. I-I c-can't stand..." I cried a little louder.

"I can't not having you, I-I told you that I did it to protect you, but I didn't tell you the whole story. Only the real reason. Then you broke up with me, and... -a-and since then, it's been rough. It's been a rough time, actually it's been terrible. I'm better with you. But I deserved your resentment. I don't regret what I did because if I didn't do what she said...it could have been worse" I gave a pained laugh at myself

"Geez Daniel what could be worse than this, god you're so stupid." I Said out loud. I squeezed her hand, (the one without the IV) and continued.

"What I'm trying to say is, you've affected everyone around you ever since you stepped into our lives that day at Starbucks. Your smile, your laugh, you beautiful personality. I mean how can one not love you. I know we moved very fast in this relationship, and I'm prepared to wait for you if you need. All the guys miss you, and the girls miss you. We are all so worried about you. I need you to wake up. I need you to get better. I know it might sound selfish. Emma told me everything about your past, about your aunt and uncle and everything in between. Just know that if there's one thing I need you to know... it's I-i-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you. Your past with your aunt and uncle and cousin. The bullying and abusing, you deserved none of it and I'd do anything to go back and have me take your place. I'm sorry for k-kissing her, I'm sorry for being a terrible boyfriend. But when you wake up I'll be sure to make it up to you somehow." I ended it there. I was crying so hard. Tears were blurring my vision. She was so stunning. I was determined to make things right. It was all my fault. She'll never know I'm sorry.

The door opened a bit. "Sir visiting hours are over, you can come back at 9am in three hours" a nurse said quietly. I nodded as she closed the door again.

I took a deep breath. I wiped the tears again with the back of my hand. I stood up slowly and squeezed her hand. I smiled down on her.

I bent down and very gently kissed her forehead

"I know you'll get through this....

...I love you" I Said sand turned and left the room closing the door softly behind me.

To be continued...


*edited :)

Word count : 1378

Don't worry it's not the end. I was getting teary writing this chapter. Man these two have been through a lot. Will she wake up? How is Daniel going to take all this over time? How is Jonah? The boys? The girls? Hopefully things work out. (JUST TO LIGHTEN THE MOOD, THE INVITATION TOUR LOOKS SO AMAZING I CANT WAIT TO SEE THEM AGAIN!!! SUCH HOT MEN. Proud is a major understatement) Thank you for reading. I love you guys. This was a sad chapter but I hope you like it. Stay tuned for more soon.




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