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- so I'm finally able to say I've completed this book! I've gone through and sort of edited. Anyways doesn't matter. It's done. Yay!

- this segment is being put up because I'm starting another book! I'm happy with how it's turning out, I have the first chapter written and it will be out soon. Im waiting until I have more written and it's just set how I want. I'm gonna try to have more than one written at a time so I can upload when I want. BUT IM SO EXCITED. I've matured as a writer and I hope you guys like it!!!!

- for those who read this in the future. The book is most likely out already so go check it out:))

Here is a sneak peak of the cover and summary ;)

•    A girl lives in her own world, for a long time, where the only thing that matters is coffee, and the cafe she spends most of her time in. Socializing is a waste of time and she sees no point in stressing the matter. The conversations that happen most often are done in her head. As an introvert and outcast she is taken by surprise when a persistent, happy, curly headed boy walks in the cafe one day, and slowly but surely takes an antisocial girl and shows her the more social aspect of life.


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Thank you loves for supporting me through this writing process, and now you've inspired me to write more❤️

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