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Being the responsible 17 year old that I am, overtime I've collected enough money for a one way ticket out.

Since my life has been terrible I've always had that idea in the back of my mind, my whole life, that running away might be the best option

So this one way ticket was hopefully getting me out of this place.

I've dreamed of living in LA, and being in San Fran thatgoal isn't too far.

It seems like everything is out there. Fame, future, and friends.



But that's all I've ever wanted, not the fame but a solid future and like... well a friend.

I've had a miserable past week and I've come to the conclusion that no one cares about me and I'm getting now where.

Today I'm out. I have no idea what I'm doing to do about a place to live but we'll worry about that when it comes time... but anywhere is better than here. School is over in like a week and as a senior we get out earlier than everyone. I'm one of the youngest in my class you don't care.

I passed all my classes, peace out.

No need for graduation kids. (Kidding get yur edu kiddos)

After finally falling asleep after a long night, I woke up the next morning and walked down stairs. I've got everything I need in my bag. The essentials mainly.

Lots of money (which came to my parents super easy it seemed), snacks, toiletries, clothes ya know. Stuff like that. I put it all in my school bag so when I left the house it would look like i was going to school. Clever right? I walk down stairs after getting ready. I don't know how I fit all my stuff in there...

"Goodbye saige I love you so much, I'll come back for you." I Said kissing my cat goodbye. Leaving her was the hardest part. I walked down the stairs trying to hurry out the door.

"Bye mom" I say as I leave the house.
No response, but I wasn't expecting one.

I hop in my car. Yes I have a car one of the few things I myself own.

And I'm off.

Jamming to my playlist. This is going to be a long ride. But today is the day I get out. I've been in that house hold for almost 18 years too long. I drive from my home town of San Francisco 5 or so hours to a new life. I don't even know how my parents will react.

Will they care? I don't know. But to be honest I don't care if they care. At this point I'm done and I'm looking forward, hoping for the best.

-In Los Angeles-

I finally arrive in Los Angeles and everything is better than I imagined. Better than pictures and videos.

It's perfect.

I have no idea what I want to do with myself for the rest of my life.

Being on the richer side of things, growing up, and living in a nice house, I never thought I'd have manage things on my own.

Being rich didn't stop others from hating me, which I guess is not how it should be in the first place. But I was just awkward and no one wanted to be friends with me. I've gotten used to it.

Back to me though I have nothing to do so I decide to waste a couple hours of my life away at Starbucks.

I walk inside and order just an ordinary vanilla bean frappe with Caramel and chocolate. I sit down to drink the frappe and think about what I just did. It's almost three in the afternoon.

I started planning what I should do next in my new life. I really need this fresh start.

I think I'll just camp out in my car until I turn eighteen so I can officially buy a house or something. I'll find a good job. After that I'll buy a nice house or rent an apartment with the money I make and what I already have and get on with my life!...

This has got to be wayyyyy harder than I'm making it sound in my head....

Oh well. I decided to post a picture on instagram of my Starbucks, for all my 200 followers to see, finish my drink and then go site seeing for a bit.

After I finish scrolling through my feed I get up still looking down at my phone as my phone was blowing up with texts from my parents asking me where I was. I ignored them but wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I walked right into someone.

"WHAT THE?!?" I the stranger yelled

"SHIIIIIITTTT" I yelled at the same time as the frappe in my hands spills all over me.

well that's just great I thought to my self. But my thoughts were completely cleared from my head when I looked up to see who I ran into.


Word count : 865

A/N- I know the whole intro part was long but I had to set the stage. Hope you like it:)

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