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Tour has been dreadful without the girls. They have always been there laughing at our jokes, keeping us hype for our shows, and just keeping us on track.

Now ever since the LA show when they all left, it's been dreadful. Our over all moods have just been gloomy. You can tell how much we miss them and how much they had an impact on all of us.

Emma was spontaneous. She met the girls one night it seems, and they were already best friends. When the aspen and Kate said they were inviting her on tour, all the guys were hesitant, well except maybe Zach, he was still star struck from seeing her before so he was all for the idea. But we didn't know what to expect she seemed crazy, (well we were right about that) but in a good way we found out. She was definitely the one that kept us on our toes. Having her around made everyone laugh at the worst times, and honestly made us all feel like we were all 5 year olds. As much as she's gotten on my nerves at many points, not having her on tour would just feel wrong.

I remember at the beginning of tour when we first invited Kate, I barely knew her, the guys barely knew her, but at the same time it felt like we'd known her forever, she just fit right in. We got to know her and spend so much time together. The guys loved her and I loved her. I wanted her with me all the time. And now I'm dating her. Or I was. Not anymore. And that's pr b-ball the biggest reason why these last four shows I've just not put any effort into. I miss her and everyday I regret my decision of not tell her the truth about what happened in San Francisco, but then again I don't regret it.

"Daniel show time in 10!" Jack said coming around the corner into our dressing room where I sat. I snapped out of my thoughts and sighed. This was it. Last show. Nashville. I can go home after this and see her. She probably doesn't want to see me. I've been worried sick about her back at home because Emma and aspen have been telling me she's been locked in a room with no food ever since the LA show. I can't handle it. But you probably get the point.

Right now I want this show to be done and the long ass flight to be over too so I can at least see her and know she's okay. I miss her. I reeaaalllllyyyy miss her. And she will be mine again.

All the boys came into the dressing room and sat down. Corbyn was last and he shut the door behind him. We sat in silence before Zach broke it.

"Has anyone heard from the girls today?" Zach asked. "Emma hasn't texted me all day, she hasn't answered my calls or face time requests, I don't think it's anything to worry about but I'm just wondering." He added

"No I haven't heard from aspen either same thing." Jack said. We all turned our heads to Jonah, because Kate is the only one he will text. I don't wanna even talk about it....

"Uhh yeah she hasn't texted me. Sorry" Said jonah. My heart fell. I was started to worry. It was almost 8 and none of the girls had said anything? That's not right.

"Someone call them." I said frantically.

"Daniel call down buddy I'm sure they've just been having a fun girls night or something." Corbyn Said.

I sighed he's probably right... but.

"Well we can just assume that, not with crystal. Just someone call her for God's sake." I Said again

"Ok I'll try aspen." Jack said. He picked up his phone and called her. He let it ring but got no answer and it went to voice mail.

"Try again?" Jonah said.

He tried but this time it went right to voice mail without even ringing.

"Ok let me try Emma." Zach said. He did the same and I met rang. But not answer.

"Come on! Gosh pick up!" He said as he tried again. But no answer.


"Zach I doubt it. I'm sure they're just having fun."

"But don't you think they could tell us that? At least once today?" Corbyn Said, starting to get a little concerned.

"Okay well there's nothing we can do right now, let's just finish this last show and then we head home and see them early tomorrow morning." Jonah said. We all nodded and got up. We grabbed our microphones and headed on stage when it was time.

"Thanks for an amazing night Nashville!!!!" We all said to the screaming crowd of girls. We waved and basically sprinted off stage.

"Officially the longest show in history." I groaned.

"That could not have gone any faster." Corbyn Said.

We skipped the showers completely and told eben to go on stage and break the news to the crowd that there would be no after party because the boys had somewhere to go. It wasn't ideal but we had our thoughts focused on getting to the air plane place as fast as we could.

"Hurry up guys!" Jack said motioning with his hand for us to run out the venue door. We had our bags messily stuffed, you could tell we were rushing to pack. We all ran to Batman and hopped on the bus. We called our manager and told him we were leaving, also that he'd need to call a taxi to to airport because we were booking it out of here with the tour bus.

"Drive bill drive!" Jonah said to bill the bus driver. "Airport as fast as you can!" He said again

We all sat down and sort of relaxed once we were on the highway knowing we couldn't do anything at this point about getting home faster. I kept texting Kate hoping for a response. I knew I wouldn't get one, but...

All the other boys did the same while we left it to Corbyn to apologize to Nashville about the abrupt cancellation of plans. We could stay for limelight and VIP but that is another like 2 hours where we are left guessing if kate and the girls are okay, and we didn't want to risk it. We all were rushing around the bus packing all of our stuff from tour, that we would be taking on the flight. The tour bus would be driving back to LA separately with people like jazmine eben jade and our manager.

"Tell them we'll be back soon with another show, or something." Zach said "I feel really bad but at the same time I just wanna see Emma again."

"Dude when are you gonna ask the girl out?" I asked "you guys basically are dating, just make it official."

"Yeah man come on I bet she's dying to be your girlfriend." Jack said.

" I know and I will, I'm just waiting for the right time." He said

"There's never a right time be as spontaneous as you and her are." I said. He chuckled and shrugged.

"We'll see" He said and winked. I rolled my eyes and looked over to see we had reached the airport. We hauled our stuff into the airport and went right to security and sat down at the gate, panting. Our gate number was finally called for boarding and we took our seat on the plane. This was it, end of tour. I think we were too caught up in the current even that we just let the thought of tour being over fly right by us. I would miss it if Emma aspen and Kate were still on it with us, but at the same time it will be nice to be back in my own bed again. Anyways kate here I come.


*edited :)

Word count : 1473

Short chapter I know, very boring too. I tend to drag things out. But I promise I will upload either again today or tomorrow. (But then again don't quote me) how will the boys find where the girls are? What's gonna happen to the girls? I don't know man. Sorry for the lack of upload again.... but uhhh. Hope you like it! Comment what you think of the chapter. OMG I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS!!! THEIR ALBUM!!! TRUST FUND BABY!!! THE SONG IS A BOP I LOVE IT!!!! I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS ALL HAPPENING SO FAST😭😭 AND ED SHEERAN WROTE THE SONG!!! WHAT!?!??? I love ed! ANYWAYS GET THE SONG LIMELIGHTS!! Tell me what you think of it in the comments!!!




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