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We rolled up to the san Fransisco venue a couple hours later and all helped unload the bus.

I bolted and grabbed Daniels cello, I always felt privileged to be the one to carry it.

Aspen grabbed some amps and speakers, the boys grabbed their laptops. Daniel came over to me and smiled.

"You sure you don't need help with that?"

"Nope. I'm carrying the Daniel seaveys cello and I'm very proud. I should take a string off and sell it. I'd be rich." I Said laughing

He just looked at me weird and shrugged "you're weird sometimes"

"But you love me."

"I wonder sometimes." He said. I widened my eyes. "Kidding yes I do very much!" He said quickly scared by my reaction.

"Good. Now get out of my way or I'll whack you with yur own cello!" I stated and walked off with Daniel laugh behind me.

Once Daniel and I got out of the bus, it was only Zach and Emma left because everyone had gone inside.

"Emma let's go, come on zach" I called after them

Emma trudged off the bus looking tired and it was confirmed when she tripped because she completely missed the last step coming off the bus...

"AHHHH" she scream as she tumbled the ground. I would have laughed at that but what happened next was even funnier.

Sometimes Zach and Emma's egos and personalities ruled over each other and when Emma fell down the bus stairs zach came out and just stepped over her, completely ignored her outstretched hand asking for help up. We all burst into laughter as Emma whined.

"No come back I can't walk." Emma said to Zach. He walked over and out his hand out for her to grab. She stuck her hand out too but before she could grab it he dabbed on her.

"I hate you very much." She growled

"Oh do you now?"

"Yes from the bottom to the top of my heart." She smirked

"Ouch. That hurt."

"Well so did that fall but NOPE no help from you!" She said

"Come on get up!"

She groaned and hauled herself off the ground and followed Daniel Zach and I into the venue. We had to go in the back entrance because fans were already lined up at the main entrance. Even though it was like hours before the show.

As the guys sound checked, us three girls sat in the back and just scrolled on our phones. It's what we did most of the time while everyone set up and rehearsed. Then we would help set up the merch stand and eventually go back stage before the show.

I turned my phone off and helped set up the Why Don't We backdrop on stage. I snapped a couple pictures of the guys and posted them on Snapchat captioned "sound check as always what's new 🤷🏼‍♀️"

Once it was set up I ran and jumped on Daniels back surprising him so badly we both tumbled to the ground. All the guys laughed but jack and Zach came tumbling down after, realizing aspen and Emma joined in.

"Ouch I was going to say something sweet like good luck baby you'll kill it, but you ruined the vibe by dropping me." I whined.

"I'm sorry you scared the living daylights out of me." He laughed on the floor.

"I'm glad Zachary fell, pay back for this morning." Emma smirked. Zach rolled his eyes and playfully punched her. Aspen and jack we just laughing and staring at each other

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