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"Okay once upon a time there was a... umm... pig.." Emma started

"Come on Emma this is serious talk, story time for later." I said.

We sat under a fort we made out of blankets and chairs. We were pretty proud of it I'll tell you.

After about fifteen minutes of just crying in each other's arms we crashed on the couch and finished watching high school musical and ate the popcorn off the floor that spilled when they jumped on me. I mean it still tasted good. And we were going with this new thing called the 20 minute rule... where like if you drop food on the ground you have 20 minutes after you drop it to pick it up... no? Yeah we'll probably die of some disease that crawled on the popcorn.

I mean for all we know zach could have farted in the spot where the popcorn fell. Cringe....

After the movie we talked for hours about tour, everyone was avoiding the elephant in the room, about what just happened. We talked about Zach and jack for Emma and aspen and they both lit up each time we talked about them, then we talked about favorite movies, favorite food. And just a bunch of other girl things. All our memories together and all the new ones we wanted to make. But at the end of it. I was just too eager to know about everything so I was the one to change the subject.

"Thank you guys for Coming off from tour for me." I said

"No problem Kate. We love you through thick and thin" aspen smiled, I smiled back at her. Emma just sat there in an un-emma-like silence

"So can you guys please explain to me what's going on?" I asked.

"Well..." aspen started

"Please, guys I'm in the dark here, I need to know why he did it, I want to give him a reason to be back into my life but I can't if all i think is he cheated on me!"

"Kate.." Emma said

"Well technically he did... but I want to, no I need to know if there's a legitimate reason as to why he kissed crystal!! Please"

"Kate! Calm down." Aspen said. I realized I was getting all worked up. I took a deep breathe. There was no way I was blaming them for this. I needed them more than ever right now. Should I mention the texts again? No. But last time I didn't tell someone... look where that got me. No boyfriend. No tour and a life that was actually looking up, going straight back down hill very fast.

"I'm sorry, I can't blame this on you. But you have to understand this from my perspective! It's eating me alive." I felt like crying again. Why wouldn't anyone tell me!!

"I mean Daniel told you I guess, he did it to protect you." Aspen said

"PROTECT ME FROM WHAT! WHAT COULD HE POSSIBLY BE PROTECTING ME FROM WHILE MAKING OUT WITH ANOTHER GIRL!" I basically yelled at them. They didn't say anything they just looked down. That made me even more mad


Emma looks up at me her eyes brimming with tears. It made my heart hurt. I hated myself for yelling at them but I think I deserved to know and I wasn't getting answers and I was getting impatient.

"Kate, I promise you have no idea how badly I want to tell you! And not just me! Aspen too Daniel Corbyn Jonah Zach jack! All of us we want to tell you!" Emma said a couple tear escaping her eyes.

"Then why! Why can't you! Are you afraid I'm going to get mad! Cause I already kind of am!" I said

"No it's nothing like that." Aspen said "kate we want to tell you, but we can't. If anyone is going to tell you it's going to be daniel. And we aren't about to betray him like that, we love you to death, but this is ONE thing that if we tell you, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING will go right."

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