1 - Mark

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(Y/n) - Your name
(L/n) - Last name
(Bff/n) - Best friend's name
(H/c) - hair colour
(H/L) - hair length
(E/c) - eye colour.

"Mark Fischbach and (Y/n) (L/n), you two are partners for this year's experiments."
I internally groan, as the nerd with glasses trots over to me with a big happy smile on his face. (See left pic) I smile back weakly, not wanting to hurt his feelings...

High school reunion:

"(Bff/n)!!!!!!!!" I squeal, running over to my best friend from high school. "How are you??" I ask, hugging her.
"Really good actually. Have you seen this guy called Mark here? He's hot as!" She laughs.
"You can't stop talking about guys can you." I laugh back. Some how I manage to get in the middle of a big hug with all my friends and when they release me to go over to another friend, I heave a sigh of relief.
"You look like you were just run over by a steamroller." A deep voice chuckles from behind me. I turn around and see a man with black hair, a slight beard, and a bloody well built frame. He's gorgeous. (See right pic)
"It looks worse than it feels, trust me." I giggle, walking over to him.
"I'm Mark."
"I'm (Y/n)"
"(Y/n)? Weren't we partners in science?"
"Mark? Is that really you!?" I gasp, not recognising the little nerd that used to be in this godly figure.
"Yeah it's me. I've changed a lot, haven't I?" He smiles.
"Puberty hit you like a truck, in a good way." I laugh.
"You've changed a lot as well haven't you? You look..." he says, trying to figure out a way to put it.
"Shorter?" I smile.
"Probably, but you got prettier that's for sure." He laughs, running his hand through his hair. I look down, trying to hide the pink tint in my cheeks, but he breaks the silence with, "Do you want a drink?"

We have fun for the rest of the night, and somehow we end up in the car park just talking.
"The only thing I miss about this school is being a lab partner with you (Y/n). I know it sounds cheesy but I had a massive crush on you in high school, and I think I still do." While I never had a crush on him, he has changed a lot.
"I didn't have a crush on you in high school, but you were a sweet boy. I think I'm starting to fall for you though, Mark." I smile.

A few years later

"Mark!!!" I yell, coming through the front door with the groceries.
"Yes?" He asks, sliding around the corner to see me.
"Can you help get these inside. Oh yeah, I also ordered Chinese for dinner." I say, as he smiles and walks outside to the car.
"Hi Chica!! Aww I missed you too." I smile, petting our year old golden retriever we got for Christmas as a joint present. "Hey (Y/n)?" Mark says, coming into the kitchen to help put away the shopping. "Mm?" I answer.
"I gotta go out for an hour or so, but I'll pick up the Chinese on the way back ok?" He says, tying up his shoelace.
"Mmk. Make sure you do." I laugh, pecking his cheek.
"Mhm. See you soon." He says, planting a kiss on my forehead.
"Love you!!" He yells, running out to the car.
"Well, looks like it's just me and you Chica Bica." I smile, turning on the Xbox.

This one was really quick and short but hopefully they will get better.

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