13 - Ethan's Child

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So I've decided to do a girl for all 3 of them because why not I can imagine all three of them with a baby girl. It's gonna be cute:

"Uhh... Ethan." You pant, holding onto your stomach.
"Yeah what's up babe." He says, staring at his computer.
"I think the baby's coming." You groan, trying to talk through another contraction.
"Holy shit!!" Ethan yells, jumping out of his chair and throwing his controller across the room. He helps you outside and into the car then speeds to the hospital.

"Uhh, my wife's having a baby, like right now!" Ethan yells, bursting through the doors of the hospital. Thankfully people have an instant reaction and you are sent to the maternity ward to give birth.
"Ethan, I need a favour," you groan, "as soon as this baby's out of me, I want you... actually no, you are going to get me some nuggets."
Ethan laughs nervously as they measure you and check that everything's ok.
"You're ten centimetres dilated so you can start pushing. At the start of the next contraction ok? And one, two, push!"
Ethan can't bear to look as you squeeze his hand in pain.

An hour of painful labour later

"It's a girl!"
You sigh a big sigh of relief as your child is carried up to you in a blanket.
"Think of a name, mummy." The midwife smiles.
"We'll name her (D/N) (daughters name)." You smile, beaming down at your daughter.

"Ethan, where are my nuggets?"

5 days later

"Hey babe?" Ethan asks, walking into the room to see you cradling the baby.
"Yeah what's up?" You smile.
"Uh, I know I was a bit nervous before, but it's just because I didn't wanna drop her. But... can I hold our baby?"
His expression shows that he's still nervous but desperate.

"Aww, Ethan, of course babe. Here." You smile, handing him (d/n).
Ethan smiles down at your baby, a small tear dripping down his cheek.
"Hey, (d/n). I'm your dad. I'm a dad." He laughs, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I can't believe a doofus like me is a dad now."

I know I've probably said this a lot but hopefully I can get back into the swing of writing but I'm not really into writing this book anymore. I don't really watch these three goofs as much as I used to.

I still love them to death, I always will, but I just don't feel the same like I did before. Maybe I can start just an imagine book with random characters from...Everything? Idk anyway hopefully I can write more. But the holidays are almost over :(

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