19 - Welcome home, Daddy

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This hasn't been edited so if there are any mistakes let me know :)

"I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise."


Those were the last words that Mark said to me before he left with Bob, Ethan, Tyler and Wade.
Mark and I have been married for just over 2 years now, and he's been on tour for 9 months.

He'll have a little surprise waiting for him when he gets back.

No, I didn't cheat on him. We've been trying for a baby for a while, and the last time we tried was the night before he left.


"Are you sure you're gonna be ok?" He asks, planting another kiss on my lips.

"I'm fine, go have fun on tour. If I need anything, I'll call (bff)." I smile, helping him put his bags in the car.

As soon as the car pulls out of the driveway and I walk inside, my stomach churns.
I rush to the bathroom and lean over the toilet, my breaths really heavy.

After about 20 seconds of heaving, I throw up, leaving myself tired, and crying on the floor.

"(Bff)? I think I might be pregnant!" I cry into the phone, as my best friend comforts me.

"That's good news isn't it? You and Mark have been trying for a while."

"I know," I sob, "but he won't be back for about a year. I can't go through a whole pregnancy without him!"
My uncontrollable sobs prevent me from talking as my friend tries to calm me down.


My best friend stayed at my house once a week to help me with the simple things that I found difficult while being pregnant. Shopping, washing, cooking and sometimes getting dressed. Once I got really big, I had to get them to help me tie up my shoelaces.


"(Bff), I need your help." I laugh.

"Yeah, what is it? I'm on my way." My friend asks.

"I can't do up my shoelaces." I start to giggle as my friend sighs.

"Alright, I'll be over in 5." She laughs, hanging up the phone.


He's coming home today. I'm due to give birth any day now. The girls and I are throwing a welcome home party for the boys.

I have everything set up. Cake, chips, drinks, cups, everything you need for a party.
I decided to throw a welcome home party for the boys, and all of their partners are coming as well.

All of the girls show up at my house at the same time. I swing open the door and smile.
The girls look at my eyes, down to my stomach, and back up to me.

After about 20 seconds, Mandy whispers "oh my god."

Then they all smile and start jumping up and down.
Mika looks like she is about to scream, and Mandy and Molly both hug me while crying.

"It is Mark's, right?" Molly asks cautiously.

"Yeah!! I found out I was pregnant the day that he left." I smile, tearing up a bit.

The doorbell rings and the girls are about to rush to the door but I stop them.

"Mark doesn't know. It's a surprise."
They nod and I go into my room to hide.
I can hear all of their voices behind the wall.

"Hi!! Welcome home."

"We missed you."

"Where's (Y/n)?"

"Oh, come with me."

The door slowly opens and Mark tiptoes in.
"Hey babe, I missed you." He softly whispers, as I turn around. He starts to say something else but stops in his tracks.

He looks from my eyes, down to my stomach, back up to me, and back down. Up, down, up, down. He then stares at me in disbelief.

"I was going to tell you, I promise, But I thought you would stop the tour and come back home and I didn't want you to do that because your fans would be so disappointed. Also, before you ask, yes it is yours. I found out the day after you left." I blurt, breathless after trying to convince him that I didn't cheat on him.

He stands there breathless for a few seconds trying to process the information I just blurred out. His hand goes to his forehead.

Tears start forming in my eyes. "I messed things up, didn't I." I whisper, turning away from him.

A few seconds of silence later, I hear his voice from behind me.

"I'm gonna be a dad..."

I turn around and nod at him.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a dad!" He exclaims, scooping me into a hug. I sigh in relief and hug him back, wiping away my tears.

"Wait, does anyone else know?" He asks.

"Just the girls. Do you want to tell the boys?" I ask, as he runs out of the room, almost knocking over everything in his path on the way.

I follow him out to the living room where he shouts, "Guess what? I'm going to be a dad!"
Everyone except the girls look at him confused.

Then I walk out.

"No way!" Ethan yells.

"Oh my god, Mark!" Tyler shouts.

"Wow." Bob stares at me.

"Oh my god." Wayde laughs.

"Surprise?" I smile, looking over at the boys.


After about an hour of everyone laying around, looking at my belly and crying, I feel a contraction in my stomach, and something drop.

"Oh my god, Mark."

"What, what is it are you ok?" He asks, reaching out to me.

"I think the baby's coming."

"What?" Everyone's voices echo around the room as they all start rushing to get things to the car.

(Bff) starts sorting out what everyone else is going to do.

"Ok! Tyler is going to drive, I will be in the passenger seat, Mark and (Y/n) in the back! The rest of you, scavenge the house and grab clothes for the both of them, pack them in suitcases and make your way to the hospital. We will see you there. Let's go give birth!" She yells.

It didn't take long. The baby was out within a matter of hours. Mark stayed by my side the whole time, talking to me.

"Just breathe (Y/n). Deep breaths." (Bff) repeats from beside me, squeezing my hand.
I take a deep breath in and groan, my body never experiencing such excruciating pain.

"Oh my god I'm going to be a dad." Mark repeats again and again from beside me, kissing my head every now and then.

"One more big push!" The midwife yells, as I muster all the strength left in my body and push with all my might.

"I'm gonna be a dad."

"Push, push, push!"

"I'm going to be a dad!"

"It's a girl!! A beautiful healthy girl." The midwife exclaims. After a few minutes she is placed on my chest. I sigh in exhaustion and relief, as this baby is finally out of me.

"Oh my god, I'm a dad!" Mark yells, planting a kiss on my lips.
Tears are rolling down my face as I look at my daughter.

"What's the name?"

"(B/n) (Y/n) Fischbach" Mark smiles, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

I'm sorry this took so long to come out. I really am.
Hope you guys enjoyed this one xx

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