11 - Rebel

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"How many times do I have to tell you not to do things without my permission?" My dad screams at me before slamming the cupboard door shut. I roll my eyes.
"Dad I'm 20. I don't think it's going to kill me if I go out to my friends house." I roll my eyes.
"Not without my permission!" He yells again, slamming his hands on the bench. Ever since Mum passed away he's had serious anger issues so I'm used to it now.
"Whatever dad." I sigh, walking up the stairs to my bedroom.
"Don't come out until morning!" He yells down the hallway.
As soon as I get in my room I start texting my best friend. But as soon as she says goodbye I can hear some taps.
I walk to the window and see Tyler, my boyfriend of 2 years standing on the grass, throwing pebbles at my window.
I reflect his big smile back at him and climb out my window onto the roof. He climbs up the pipe that he climbs up whenever he comes over and sits with me on the roof.
"Did your dad yell at you?" He asks.
"Yeah, but at least it's not as bad as last time. I've been rebelling a lot more since Mum died. It's kinda sad." I sigh, running a hand through my - recently dyed - blue hair. My dad also yelled at me for that.
"Maybe this is the new you... and besides..." Tyler smiles...

"I think the rebel (Y/n) is super cool"

I feel really bad that I haven't uploaded in a few months but school and home has been so crazy I just haven't had time to write and I'm not really in the mood.
If you have any requests for me feel free to leave a comment but it'll take me a while to get back into the swing of writing...
Anyway that all for today. See you all in the next chapter!!

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