18 - Is he gone?

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"Hey, it's Ethan. Leave a message."


"Hi Ethan. It's me, again. I went to see Mark today. I made him a lasagne for dinner. He's not really coping well.

"Yasmine (your daughter with Ethan) had a good day at school today. She's still a bit shaken but she's coping better than what I thought she would.

"Tyler came over today as well. He helped get Yasmine ready for school. He offered me a job working with Mark, so I don't have to go to work everyday, which would be easier for me.

"I finished washing all of your clothes today! I've put them all away in the wardrobe.

"It's a bit difficult not having you here. I can't always wake up to your smiling face.

"Anyways. I'll have to go tuck Yasmine in. She really misses you, you know. It's really hard not having you around. None of us are the same since... the accident...

"I'll go now. I hope I see you soon. Um. I love you. Goodbye."


I press the hang up button on my phone, and the bedside table vibrates. Ethan phone reads:

'(Y/n)💕: 14 new voice messages.'

I take a deep breath in and my eyes start to water. It's been exactly 2 weeks since the accident.

Ethan was driving home and a drunk driver swerved onto the wrong side of the road.

He died instantly...

I can just remember getting that phone call.
"Ma'am, you're husband has unfortunately been killed in a car crash."

I didn't believe it. I couldn't.

We were supposed to be together forever. True love, you know?

But that all went down the drain.

"Mummy?" A small, angelic voice calls out from behind my door.

I quickly wipe away my tears and open my door. A small girl with brown hair and blue eyes looks up at me.
"Hey, Yasmine, what's up?" I crouch down to be eye level with my daughter.

"Is he really gone? Is daddy gone forever?" She asks.

I hang my head and nod. Bringing my daughter in for a hug.
"He's always here, honey. He'll always be with you." I sob.

I don't think I've really written anything sad yet, so that's cool.
Hope you enjoyed this one.

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