12 - Hug?

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"Maaaaaaaaaaaaark!" You yelled, lying on the couch, your leg hanging off.
No reply.
"MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK!!" You yelled a little louder, hoping he would hear you this time.
Still no reply.
You took a deep breath.
"MAaAAaaAaAAaaAAAaaARk!!!" You screamed, this getting a response from above you. A series of thumps, followed by a "shit!" and thumps down the stairs.
There appeared Mark, your husband.
"What!?" He asks, clearly panicked.
"Can I have a hug?" You ask, pouting.
Mark sighs, frustrated that you interrupted his recording for a hug.
"Fine, but try not to interrupt me anymore, ok?" He sighs, lifting you up and wrapping his arms around you.
"Careful of the stomach, babe." You groan, laughing slightly.
"Why, are you sick?" He asks, putting me down.
"Sort of... I've just been having morning sickness."
"Wait, are you telling me..."

"Mark, I'm pregnant." You smile, putting your hands on your stomach.

You are about to have a baby with
Girl or Boy? Leave it in the comments, and think of a name!!

"Oh my god! I want a little boy! Or a baby girl!" Mark yells, kneeling down to come face to face with your stomach.
"You, my friend," he smiles, "are going to be spoilt rotten."
You let out a little giggle, despite all your efforts to not laugh.
"You need to get back to recording now." You smile, helping Mark up.
"Can I tell the fans? Please!" He begs, pouting.
"Not until it's safe. A few months then we can announce it." You sigh, sitting down on the couch.
Mark plants a kiss on your lips and runs back up to his recording room.
You sigh in relief, finally telling him the news you'd been dying to tell him for the past few days.
"It's gonna be a wild ride, bubba." You smile, lying back on the couch, closing your eyes.

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, but Merry Christmas!!
For those who don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays. Have a good one!!

So if you have a gender for the children, one for Mark, one for Tyler and one for Ethan.

Personally I would want a girl for Ethan and Tyler, and Mark. Should I make them all girls??

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