10 - Cheaper by the Dozen (+2)

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People may think it's amazing being the second eldest of a family. Well, it can be, but not when there's 14 children and you're practically in charge of them all.
Here are all my siblings with their age:

Jack - 20
Me (Y/n) - 18
Lucas - 15
Jessica - 14
Zac + Zoe (non-identical twins) - 12
Liam - 11
Mitchell - 9
Chloe & Emma (identical twins) - 7
Dean - 5
Georgia - 4
Jacqui & Shivohn (also identical) - 2

And that's all of us. Honestly, I don't know how my parents did it all.
Since Mum and Dad are at work nearly every day from 7 am to 7 pm, I've practically became in charge since Jack moved out. I've become responsible for everyone in the house including my parents. I've gone to sort out issues at school with the principals and taken them to doctor appointments, I drive them all to school, I cook for them everyday, I do the shopping. The list goes on and on and on.
When I revealed to my boyfriend - Sean - that I had 13 siblings, he didn't believe me, and he still doesn't. That's why I'm inviting him to dinner. Unfortunately my parents and Jack won't be there. Also another thing about my family, they are such troublemakers. We live on a farm so usually they take their mischief outside but when it's inside, oh it gets so bad.

"Liam where is the washing? Did you bring it in?" I yell out.
"Going now!" He yells back.
"Mitchell can you sit out the front and see when Sean gets here please." I smile, helping Georgia down from the bench, "you can go help him Georgia." earning a little squeal from the 4 year old. As I'm about to turn back around to finish off my salad, I am almost run over by Zac and Zoe on their skateboards.
"God damn it you two! Take it outside!" I curse, shooing them out the door.
Just as I finish making dinner and putting everything away to get out later, I hear Mitchell yell, "HE'S HERE!" Causing all hell to erupt loose. All the kids run to the lounge room and sit on the couch while I give them a quick brief on what's going to happen.
"Ok you guys are going to be civilised. You all know Sean is a fun guy, you've seen his videos. So when he's used to all you guys, then we can play. He still doesn't believe that there's 13 of us, so you can all go hide in Mum and dads room so I can call you out one by one."

Ding dong

"Ok that's him, now go!!" I smile, as they all run single file up into our parent's room. Turning around, I rush to the door and open it to see a smiling Sean. He pulls me into a hug and kisses me on the cheek.
"So where's all the children?" He laughs, looking around at the empty house. "You'll see." I giggle, leading him to the lounge room. He sits down on the couch and I quickly run up and get Jacqui and Shivohn.
"We're going from the youngest to the oldest," I say, putting them down on the couch, "these are the twins, Jacqui and Shivohn. They are 2 years old."
"Aww, hey cuties!!" He laughs, as I call Georgia down.
"This is Georgia she's 4."
"This is Dean, he's 5."
"This is Chloe and Emma, they're 7."

"So, so far that's seven kids, you said there was 14 of you?" He laughs, as I cross my arms.
"I'm not finished."

"This is Mitchell, he's 9, and Liam, he's 11."
"This is Zac and Zoe, they're 12."
"This is Jessica, she's 14, and Lucas, he's 15. Then there's me, and Jack who isn't here today."
"Wow. So there is really 14 of you."
"Ok kids, he's gonna need a few minutes to process this so go and play."
The kids all start laughing and run off outside to play amongst themselves.
"14. 14 kids. Wow."
I laugh and kiss his cheek.
"You'll get used to it. You had a few siblings didn't you?"
"Yeah but I didn't have 13!" He laughs, standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist. My (h/c) hair falls in front of my face, and his warm hand brushes it back behind my ear. "Will you still love me after these kids are finished with you?" I smile. He laughs in response. "I could never stop loving you." His face leans forward closer to mine, and our lips interlock like puzzle pieces. Soft lips, warm face, and as his fingers touch my neck I feel goosebumps run all over my body. He must of known because he smiles, and keeps planting kisses on my face.
"Ooooooooooo, kissy kissy kissy!!!" I hear a familiar voice coo, and Sean erupts in small giggles.
"Alright guys we're coming out." I laugh, as Mitchell runs back out to the paddock. We make our way to where the kids are playing backyard cricket.
"Hey Sean! Come join!" Liam yells, as he bowls again. Lucas hits it and Jess sprints after it, catching it in her outstretched hand, throwing it at the stumps just before Lucas gets back. "HOWZAT!!" She yells, celebrating with a run around the batter.

If you haven't guessed already, we used to live in Australia. We moved here when I was 12 because there was nowhere big enough to fit us all.

Sean laughs at her sudden outburst and joins the kids on the field with me following behind. Lucas hits it again and Sean runs after it, throwing it back to me, then I throw it to Jess, who pegs it at the stumps again.

After about an hour we head back inside and get set up for dinner.
"Hey! Zac and Zoe put the meat down! No, Emma and Chloe! Stop throwing lettuce! Just make your bloody tacos and eat them!" I yell over all the noise.
"Hey!!" Sean yells, "If you listen to (Y/n) I'll let you be in my vlog!" To which everyone goes dead silent and sits down. I look over at Sean, and he winks at me. "So you think you're a better career than me because you bribe them with YouTube?" I laugh, as we start eating. "That's the advantage to being famous!" He laughs making me roll my eyes.

"*whapsh* TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND I'm at my girlfriends house! There's one thing you should know before you get fully introduced to her, she has 13 siblings. Yes! Thirteen! Here's all of them." Sean says, moving the camera around the room to reveal all my siblings.

After a few hours he goes home and all the kids start getting ready for bed.
"Can we ring Sean before we go to bed?" Zac and Zoe ask. I smile and agree, letting them FaceTime Sean until 9:00.
"Alright guys say your goodbyes so I can talk to him." I smile, opening their bedroom door.
"Goodnight Sean!" They all say in sync.

"They're so cute." Sean laughs as I walk out of the door.
"You're so good for talking to them that long. Thanks so much for that." I laugh, sitting down on my bed.
"Ah, don't worry about it, they're so good to talk to."
"Ok I have to go to bed now, the kids have got school tomorrow."
"Ok goodnight baby." He smiles, winking at me.
"You're so adorable."
"Not as adorable as you."
"Shut up sweet talker."
He giggles at my comment and says "ok I'll let you go. Goodnight, sweet dreams."

And I turn off my phone...

It wasn't very good but oh well. I had this idea when I was watching cheaper by the dozen. So yeah.

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