5 - Making Meatballs with Felix

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(F/s) - Favourite Song

"Jag är hungrig!!!" Felix yells from the living room. (That means I'm hungry in Swedish in case you didn't know)
"Come in the kitchen and help me make something then." I say, getting up from my laptop and walking to the kitchen. I'm not Swedish myself but Felix uses it so often that I have learnt a little bit.
Out of the corner of my eye I see my boyfriend of six years dragging his feet along the ground, making his way to what he calls: 'my space' AKA the kitchen. (Remember Felix, that's where the knifes are kept😏😉🔪)
His strong arms wrap around my waist as his head rests on my shoulder.
"You can't possibly be that tired." I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck. "But (Y/n), I aaaaam." He whines, kissing my neck softly.
"Do you wanna help me make meatballs?" I ask, kissing his cheek. He instantly picks up and says "Well would you look at that, I'm not tired anymore!"
I smile, as he starts getting out the ingredients. While he does that I put on (f/s) to listen to while we're cooking.
Once all the mince is ready to roll into meatballs, I get two plates to put the meatballs on - one for raw, one for cooked.
Our hands get so greasy and meaty that we have to keep washing at regular intervals. Once again I'm at the sink, slowly washing my hands when he comes up behind me and rests his chin on my shoulder.
"Hello." He smiles, wrapping his arms around my torso.
"How many meatballs are we making, this has taken us 20 minutes."
"Well this recipe makes enough meatballs to feed 20 people."
"We're not 20 people, Felix." I laugh, turning off the tap.
"I'm not even a person."
"You're my Swedish meatball." I smile, kissing his cheek. He smiles and I can see a little red tint creeping up in his cheeks as he lets me go and we start cooking the meatballs.
A big blob of the oil spits from the pan and lands on my arm, and a little spot of my arm turns a deep shade of red.
"Ouch, owww Felix." I pant, shaking my arm.
"What, what is it, are you hurt, what happened?" He says, frantically looking me up and down. I stretch out my arm to see the already scabbing burn.
"Åh min gud, då får du det första hjälpen." (Oh my god, I'll get the first aid.)
He rubs some alcohol on my burn and bandages it up, kissing the bandage before helping me up.
"Thank you Felix." I smile, putting my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest. He kisses the top of my head and rests his head on top of mine.
"You're my little (Y/n)."
"And you're my little Swedish meatball." I smile.

Yeah I know this was short but I wanted to get my next one out because I have a good idea.

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