3 - Gaming with Tyler

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(H/s) - Hair style
(F/f) - favourite fruit

Hey Tyler?" I call out, summoning my boyfriend of 3 years to our living room.
"Yeah?" He asks, poking his head around the corner. "After you finish your work this afternoon do you want to have a gaming session with me?" I ask, already in my work clothes.
"Uh, yeah that'd be great! I finish at 5 today, what time do you finish?" He asks. "6. I'll order pizza on the way home." I smile, putting my (h/c) hair in (h/s).
"Ok, I'll see you then." He smiles.
"I have to go, but I'll see you later. Bye." I say, pecking his cheek and grabbing a (f/f) on the way out of the door. "Love you!" I call back, jumping in the car and driving off to the hospital.
"Hey (Y/n) we got you on the accident and emergency today, you're taking care of the emergency ones until 12:00, then you have a break, and have the accidents until 6:00. Have fun, here's your coffee." Jessica smiles from the desk, handing me a burning hot coffee to wake me up. "Thanks Jess, I really need this." I laugh, making my way through a set of doors until I get to the emergency unit.
Almost instantly the phone rings, and I pick it up.
"Hello what's your emergency... yep... ok... ok thanks." I write on the slip of paper in front of me and talk into the speaker, "Head injury, 15 minutes."
People start rushing into a spare room, sterilising the beds and the equipment, getting the room ready for its next patient.

6:00 comes around quickly and soon I'm in the car on my way home to Tyler.
As I'm driving my phone starts ringing. I press a button on my steering wheel and the phone answers, as I say "hello?"
A familiar voice answers with "hey babe, have you got the pizza yet?"
"Yeah, I'm home now." I say, pulling into the driveway, and turning off my engine.
I grab my phone, my bag and the pizza and Tyler answers the door. I hand him the pizza and he pecks my lips "thank you." He smiles, closing the door behind me as I go to get changed.
Once I get back into the living room, Tyler has already helped himself to a slice of pizza and has got Netflix up.
"What are we watching?" I ask, grabbing a slice and sitting next to him, as his arm wraps around my waist.
"A bit of Stranger Things while we're eating, but then we can get onto gaming when we finish." He says, pressing play on the remote.
As a gory scene comes on, my hand rests on Tyler's chest and grabs a fistful of his shirt, and I bury my head in his shoulder. He chuckles slightly and switches to the PS4 and turns on a multiplayer game. "I'm gonna smash you." Tyler smiles, already beating me in the game. "You always beat me." I sigh, trying my hardest to make a change and beat him for once.


By the end of the night, (Y/n) has fallen asleep on my shoulder, her hand holding mine as her chest rises and falls slowly. I slip one of my arms under her legs and one under her arms, lifting her up. She stirs a little and wraps her arms around my neck and tries to mumble something. "Shhh, go back to sleep, we're going to bed now." I whisper, kissing her forehead.
I lay her down slowly in bed, and dress her into some more comfortable clothes. I change into my boxers and slip into bed next to her, pulling her closer to me. Her head rests on my chest and I kiss her forehead once before settling down and falling asleep myself.

Cuties. Hopefully these will get better but in the meantime, this is what I got.

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