8 - Birthday with Tyler

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(Y/a) - Your age

"Hey, (Y/n)..." Tyler whispers, waking me from my sleep. "Mmm?" I respond.
"Happy birthday babe."
I sit bolt upright in our bed.
"Holy crap. I'm (Y/a)."
I look back over at a grinning, shirtless Tyler, who sits up and puts his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me into a passionate kiss.
As we pull away for air and Tyler gets out of bed to make me some breakfast.
"You stay here while I make you some breakfast. Play on your phone, watch Netflix or something." He smiles, turning on the hallway light.
I take my phone off the bedside table and check my notification. Already I have at least 5 messages from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday. As soon as I'm done replying to them Tyler comes back in with some bacon on toast for me.
"Thank you." I smile, pecking his cheek softly. "Anything for m'lady." He laughs, putting on a shirt.

After we've had breakfast and gotten ready for the day, Tyler and I head over to Mark and Amy's place to record a few videos.
"(Y/n)!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Amy yells, as we run out of the car and to the shelter of the front porch, the rain lightly coating my (h/c) hair. Amy instantly pulls me into a hug, and keeps me there for at least 5 minutes.
We enter the house and I am instantly surrounded by Tyler, Mark, Amy, Signe, Sean, Ethan, Kathryn, Bob and Wade, all yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"

Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming, because where I came from, my parents didn't really care about me. The only thing I got for my birthday was a "Good Morning" and a few dollars. Not a card, not a present. I think the only card I ever got was from one of my friends, when I was 14. After that we moved to where I live now. Well, I hardly ever sleep at my parents house, I'm mostly sleeping at Tyler's house now. My routine at my parents house now is:

Wake up
Get ready
Make breakfast
Get out before my parents get up
Go to Tyler's house
Eat lunch
Come back home
Make myself dinner
Go to my room
Play on my phone
Go to sleep

So yeah, being around this many people who are giving me a lot of attention is very overwhelming. I mean, it's like normal with all of my friends, except for the fact that I'm getting a lot more attention, and a few presents here and there. It's weird, for me.
"So what have you done so far today?" Amy asks, settling on the couch next to Mark.
"Nothing really. I just got some breakfast in bed, thanks to Tyler," (this comment gets a lot of 'awww's from everyone) "and came here! I don't really do much for my birthday." I smile, as Tyler's hand finds mine, intertwining our fingers.
"So you girls can be judges for the video that we're about to record. It's a gingerbread house building challenge, even though it's not close to Christmas, we want to do it anyway." Mark grins, leading us to his larger recording room, where a table and 6 boxes sit. All the boxes are labelled 'Gingerbread House' obviously.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and I'm joined by Bob, Wade, Tyler, Jack and Ethan. We're gonna be building gingerbread houses, see who has the best. We have gingerbread house pieces, we have gummy leaves, we have gummy lights for house, and we have squeeze... for squeeze."

(A/N I'm getting most of these lines from the 'Gingerbread house building challenge' except that video only has Mark, Ethan and Tyler)

"Are we going to Rock Paper Scissors for... who goes first?" Tyler asks, putting out his hands.
"I say we squeeze!" Mark says, holding up his bag of 'glue'.
"Ok close your eyes now! You too!" Mark smiles at the camera.
"Oh! Oh! Oh that's a nice squeeze!" Ethan smiles, squeezing his bag.
The boys all look at each other's bags.
"You guys have small squeeze," Mark says, looking at Bob, Wade and Sean, "you have good squeeze, I have good squeeze," he says gesturing to himself and Tyler, "and you have nice squeeze so you go first..." he says again, gesturing to Ethan.
"Wait why are we going first second third? We're going at the same time." Mark says, making us all smile.
"I go first, at the same time!" Ethan smiles, making us all erupt in laughter.
"Wait can I even eat this?" Ethan giggles, holding up the box "May contain traces of Peanuts and Tree nuts? I can not eat this but god damn it I can build it!"
"That's right, he not eat, he go STARVE! But he not-a be sad! He be happy." Mark says, an accent in his voice.
"I can be happy because I be not dead!" Ethan states.
"He be dead from starvation! But not from allergy." Mark says, a slight giggle following. "Not from allergy that is correct." Ethan laughs

Eventually all the boys start, and at the end, Mark, Ethan and Tyler have gotten their houses smashed into pieces so they decided to team up against the other boys. Sean decided to draw Sam's all over his and Bob drew penises all over his. So Wade's ended up being the only decent one.
"BRING IN THE JUDGES!!!!!!" Mark yells, gesturing to us to come over.
"So we have three categories, First glance, Structural integrity, and creativity." Tyler states, as all the boys step back so we can have a better look.
"Well if I was gonna eat one I'd go for this one, because it's all smashed into pieces." Amy smiles, gesturing to the boys' house.
"I don't think I really want to eat that one." I laugh, pointing at Bob's (which, if I may remind you, is covered in penises), which makes everyone erupt in laughter.
"Why... what's wrong with it (Y/n)?" Bob sarcastically asks, gesturing to the house. I giggle and shake my head, a pink tint arising in my cheeks as Tyler smirks at me.

At the end, the boys ended up winning with their crushed house as Wade's fell down, and Bob and Sean started eating theirs.
"Also we have a surprise for (Y/n)!" Mark smiles, leading us all outside, Ethan holding the camera. Tyler puts a blindfold over my head, while holding my hand to lead me to what only can be outside.
"Ok take it off." Amy says, patting my shoulder. I slide the blindfold off my face to reveal a bunch of friends all yelling "Happy birthday!!!!"
A smile quickly spreads across my face as everyone surrounds me, wishing me happy birthday, handing me bags/cards, and just trying to start a conversation in general.
After a few minutes, the situation settles down, and I slowly slip away from the crowd of people outside and make my way to the upstairs living room.
"(Y/n)? You ok?" A familiar voice calls from behind me.
"Hmm? Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just... getting some time away from people." I smile, as Tyler sits down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders.
"Are you sure that's it?" He says, turning to face me. I let out a long sigh, resting my head on his chest.
"It's all just so... overwhelming." I whisper, wrapping my arms around his muscular torso. "Hey, it's ok. It's just like a normal party? Not a big deal." He whispers back, lifting my chin with his fingers so he can look me in the eyes.
"Yeah, but when the attention's on me it's not the same. It's... strange." I say, looking down at the floor for a few seconds before shaking my head.
"It doesn't matter, I'm just being stupid. I should go back out."
"Hey, hey hey!" Tyler says, pulling me back down onto his lap, "You can do whatever makes you comfortable," He smiles, resting his chin on my shoulder, "I'm sure no one will care if you don't go out there again. But if you want to go out, I'll come with you."
"Thanks, Tyler." I smile, turning around to face him. I feel his arms travel up my back and to my neck, pulling me in to where his lips meet mine in a soft kiss. He tastes like he usually does, strawberries... strange for a man I know, but it's nice, almost comforting. Our lips move in sync, almost like it a routine now, so I'm not feeling nervous anymore. All worry is gone.
I softly pull my lips away from his, and rest my forehead on his shoulder.
"I love you, Tyler." I mutter, wrapping my arms around his torso again.
"I love you too, (Y/n)." He whispers, kissing my forehead.

We make our way out of the back door, hand in hand, as everyone starts singing:

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear (Y/n)...
Happy birthday to you!!!
Hip hip
Hip hip
Hip hip

I blow out the candles and everyone starts clapping. I feel some arms wrap around my waist and instantly know it's Tyler, so when I cut the cake I turn around and kiss him again, and everyone erupts in cheers.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/n)!!!!!!" Amy screams, jumping all over Mark and Ethan. I smile against Tyler's chest and he lifts me up, sitting me on his shoulders. Not able to stop it, I keep smiling, as we parade around the yard, a small crowd of people surrounding us.

Sorry I haven't updated for so long I've been busy from the holidays but I'm back to school so I can make some time to write.
Hope you guys enjoyed this one 😊

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