11- I'll be back soon

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"Felix are you sure you have to leave today?" I whine, holding onto my boyfriends leg as he drags me around the apartment.
"It's just a few days, (Y/n)." Felix sighs.
I let out a "humph" and he stands me up.
"I'll be back soon." He smiles, kissing my cheek.


Ok I know I said I was going to post the new chapter but I don't know if I should or not.

I think I should eliminate Sean and Felix from these imagines and just do Ethan, Mark and Tyler but idk. I'm not getting a lot of inspiration for them two.

The reason why I haven't been posting or really active lately is because I'm going through a tough time in life right now. I have a whole heap of assessments due in the span of 2 weeks and my mind is just not in the right space.

I guess I'll see you guys in the next chapter

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