16 - Markiplier Makes: Valentines Day Cake *slightly sexual*

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Suggested by: @crazy-obsessed

This chapter gets a bit... sexual at the end but nothing too detailed. If you're not comfortable with it I'll let you know when it starts and you can skip to the next bold text.

The most dreadful day of the year... for singles that is.
Yes... it's Valentine's Day. The day where couples buy each other yucky sappy
lovey-dovey cards and teddies and chocolates.
I've only had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day once. I was 15 at the time.
Now I'm 25, and, not gonna lie, I've had a crush on Tyler for quite some time.

After a solid thirty minutes of contemplating whether I should get up, my phone vibrates next to me.
Mark: Hey (Y/n) we're doing a cooking challenge, u wanna come along and be a judge? Kathryn is out of the country so we have no one else.
I reply back instantly
You: Yeah sure, I'll be over in 2 hours.

That should give me enough time to get up and ready, shouldn't it?

Rolling out of bed, I get up and change into my lazy clothes:

"I'm not in the mood for dressing up, I'm trying to repel guys today!" I say to myself in the mirror while I put my hair up in a messy bun

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"I'm not in the mood for dressing up, I'm trying to repel guys today!" I say to myself in the mirror while I put my hair up in a messy bun. I giggle to myself as I grab my keys and drive over to marks house, grabbing breakfast from McDonald's on the way there.

"I have arrived!" I announce as I walk into the door, where Mark, Amy, Ethan, Mika, and Tyler are waiting.

They all smile up at me and we get straight to work.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier, and today we are making, Valentine's Day cakes..."

Mika and I leave the room to get some finger food ready for us, and throughout that time, we can hear Tyler, Mark and Ethan whispering to each other every now and then.

"This has to be perfect" -Mark
"I hope she likes it." - Tyler
"How can she not like it" - Ethan
"Do you think she still likes me?" - Tyler

Are they talking about me?
What if Tyler has a girlfriend?
Oh my god, I can't talk to him if he has a girlfriend!

Mika interrupts my thoughts by saying: "so, you still have a crush on Tyler?"

"Uhh, why do you ask?" I laugh.

"I don't know, it's just that you two are both lonely on Valentine's Day this year."

Wait... so that means he doesn't have a girlfriend?

After about 2 hours of them mucking around, Mark calls Amy, Mika and I back in to judge the cakes. But instead of us going around to look at them, they bring them to us... which is strange but I'm not complaining.

First it was Mark.
He brought the cake up to Amy and set it down on the table.

It's a simple vanilla cake with butterscotch frosting, and red writing saying
'Happy Valentine's Day Amy'
We all smile at the sweetness and cheesiness of this cake and taste it.

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