21 - Maybe I am a little bi...

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This one is so bad, and I'm so sorry xD

An Amy imagine!
Requested by: @carlySanders and @Seros_Bitch

It's short but I think I've run out of inspiration for this book. I tried my best, and sorry it took so long, guys :)

"(Y/n) you look great! Look at your fine ass." Amy laughed, smacking (Y/n)'s behind, making her turn red for the third time that evening. They were getting ready to go out for dinner with a few friends, hopefully to get a little drunk.

"Thanks. I haven't worn this dress in months." (Y/n) smiled softly, turning around to look at herself in the mirror, a little self-conscious but confident nonetheless. After Mark, (Y/n)'s confidence had crumbled, and she had stopped going on dates.

"You still single?" Amy asked, putting her hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders. She stiffened, but soon relaxed her shoulders, a little nervous.

"Uh, yeah... why?" She asked.

"Just wondering." Amy smirked.

Little did (Y/n) know, Amy had had a crush on her for a long time. She never tried to hide these feelings at all, she just never physically said that she liked her.

"After Mark cheated on me, I've had trust issues, and all my relationships have crumbled."

"Maybe you just haven't found the right person yet."


At the end of the night, (Y/n) and Amy wandered home and ended up just talking on the couch together.

"You know that I've liked you for a while, right?" Amy asked, her words slurring slightly.

"Uh, I- no? I thought you were just being my best friend?" (Y/n) looked confused, a red tint rising on her cheeks. Amy scoffed and wiggled a little closer so she could put her hand on the back of (Y/n)'s neck.

"You're so innocent, (Y/n). I can't believe you're almost twenty-two." Amy laughed, her eyes flicking between (Y/n)'s lips and eyes.

"A-Amy I don't know..."

"It's okay. Just relax, and if you don't like it, I'll stop, okay?"

Amy leaned in slowly and pressed her lips up against (Y/N)'s, her strawberry chapstick leaving what would soon be a lasting taste on (Y/n)'s lips.

(Y/n) was taken by surprise, but eventually kissed back. She was hesitant at first, but the pair were soon kissing with equal intensity.

After what seemed like an eternity, (Y/n) pulled away to catch her breath. Amy looked away and stuttered.

"I'm sorry. I just really like you. I know you're not gay or anything, I just thought you might be a little bi."

"Hey. It's okay. Maybe I am a little bi..." (Y/n) smiled, leaning back in to start another make-out session. Amy smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around (Y/n).

Also I just quickly wanted to say thank you so much for 30k reads and over 600 votes! I never thought that I would get this far! Thank you so much!

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