The End

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Hey guys

I really don't want to do this. But I guess I have to.

So as some of you know, I used to be almost obsessed with these goofballs, and I will always love them.

But I've moved on. I've stopped watching them as often, and I've found some new channels to watch.

It's not that I don't like them, I've just found other channels that do stuff that I like. Three of these channels being 8-BitRyan, Bazzz and
8-BitGaming. They just make the content that I like, and I feel really close to them.

Lately my anxiety has been getting worse - to the point where I'm having small panic attacks on the bus to school.

These guys pretty much saved my life, and I will always be grateful for that. They were always there when I was upset, or needed to calm down. I just needed to press play and the pain would go away. But I guess all things come to an end, and it's time for this book to end as well.

I have to thank you guys as well - without you guys this book wouldn't be possible. We all achieved something that I never thought was possible for someone like me: we got above 10k reads. Right now it's sitting on 16k! That's seriously amazing, and I can't thank you guys enough.

But like I said. Everything has to come to an end.

This doesn't mean that I'm deleting the book! This book will always be available, unless it somehow gets deleted by Wattpad which I highly doubt but anyways. I know that some people really need stuff like this to calm down so it will always be there for you. I will always be here for you. Just send me a message, I won't block you.

It makes me really sad to do this, but we're at the end of the chapter, people.

I do have another book that I'm developing at the moment, I've got around 9 unpublished chapters. I don't know if I'll actually publish it, but I might when I've finished it.

So without further ado, I am announcing the end of this book. Thank you for coming along for the ride, and sticking with me.

Special mention to these wonderful people:


These guys have stuck with me from the beginning of this book, and read every chapter, all whilst giving me unconditional support and ideas to keep me writing. And I would also like to apologise to you guys for letting you down by ending this book. I love you all so much.

I hope you guys can understand that this book has to end, because I started writing this out of pure passion and overtime it became almost like a chore.

I'm going to stop rambling now and just say goodbye for this book.

Until next time
I will see you
In the next book
Stay cranky

Teamiplier Imagines

09/03/2018 - 01/12/2019

Thank you for an amazing journey. I love you guys so much

~ Charlotte <3

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