15 - Coffee shop

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Suggested by Shipoverload
She wanted the coffee chapter so she's getting the coffee chapter. I'm going to make this chapter personalised so it's like it's actually her as well.
And she loves Mark so I'm making it Mark🤣

I sigh, running a hand through my short, black hair. This decision could be fatal to me. Life or death. This could change the course of my entire life.
Should I have a latte or a cappuccino...
"Can I take your order, Miss?" The sweet voice from in front of me calls out.
"Oh, yeah, sorry. Can I uh. Can I get a caramel cappuccino please?"
"Sure, that's 5 dollars and 58 cents." She smiles up at me.
I grab my wallet out of my bag and start counting out the coins...


I'm 50 cents short...
"Uhh, I seem to be missing 50 cents."
"Do you want me to hold your order while you get some more?"
"No need!" A voice from behind me chimes up "I'll pay. I'll have what she's having too." A man emerges from behind me and swipes his card.
He then pulls me to the waiting area, where he smiles down at me.
"Uh, thank you so much... mr..."
"Mark, call me Mark." He chuckles, "and no problem, I imagine a pretty lady like yourself can't go without her coffee in the morning?"
I let out a small giggle, nodding my head.

We grab our drinks and then we both end up walking to the park to talk more.
"So, tell me a bit about yourself, Jacqui."
"Well, I have a best friend, Charli, who is dating someone called Kieren, and she has almost finished uni to become a maths teacher. I am still studying at uni, and I have a brother Aaron who I adore. I also have a best friend called Hayley who is just amazing."
"Sounds like you got some pretty good friends there." He smiles.
"Yeah, they care about me a lot."

I feel my phone vibrate in my hand.
"Oh! Speak of the devil! Charlotte wants me to come over for dinner with her, Kieren's out with some friends" I smile.
"Well, when you're free next, maybe you can have dinner at my place?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, sure! You might need my number though." I smile, as he hands his phone to me.
I put in my phone number with the name "Jacqui😝" and say goodbye.

On my way to Charlottes house I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and when I check it, this is what comes up on the screen:

Unknown number:
"Hey it's me, Mark. Is tomorrow night ok?"

I smile to myself and type my reply, heading off to Charlottes house with a spring in my step...


There you go Jacqui
You got your coffee chapter.
Have fun with this one my dood
Oh yeah before you ask, no I don't have a boyfriend, that's the name of my maths teacher... don't ask, it was the only name that came to my mind🤣

Don't forget to vote and comment! Don't be a ghost reader! <3
Bye peeps :)

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