17 - Jealous?

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Suggested by @thewaywardidiot

'Alright I got you. What about like a jealousy thing with Mark and Ethan both competing for your interest but you like Tyler instead'

Can do, thanks for the suggestion!

"Hey guys!" I smile, walking into Marks house with my suitcase. I had recently been invited to stay at Mark's place with Ethan and Tyler for a whole year.

We're trialing a work schedule, with Ethan and I editing, Tyler managing the finances, and of course, Mark making the videos.

"Hey, (Y/n)! You're finally here!" Mark smiles, greeting me with a hug as I set down my handbag.

Behind him stands a slightly nervous looking Ethan, so I give him a hug too.
"Welcome to your new home (Y/n)." He smiles.

Mark, Tyler, Ethan and I have been best friends for years.

I went to school with Mark and Tyler, and Ethan came in later, one day at pax, he did a backflip in front of us and Mark instantly fell in love with him. Well... not in love, but they became best friends.
Tyler has just always been there for me. He was always my shoulder to cry on, and I've felt more comfortable towards him, maybe because I like him but... he doesn't need to know that... hehe.

"Is that (Y/n) I hear?" I hear a familiar voice from upstairs call down. My heart flutters as Tyler runs down the stairs to greet me with a hug as well.

After about a week or so, the schedule is working pretty well. Ethan and I sit down together to edit, and Mark and I are sometimes recording together. Tyler just... does money stuff, but we still hang out sometimes.

In the week that I've been here, I've noticed that Mark and Ethan both act really comfortable around me, and even flirt with me sometimes. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a total disaster like a wattpad fanfic. You know, the ones where the girl is being fought over by two guys but she's in love with some other guy.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" A voice calls from outside of my room.

"Yeah, come in!" I call out, closing my laptop.

My door opens slowly and a slightly nervous looking Ethan walks in.

"Ethan? How can I help you?" I ask, a little surprised by his appearance.

"Oh um. I was just wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?" He asks, sitting down in front of me on my bed.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" I hope nothing bad has happened.

"I just... I just uh, wanted to say how much I enjoy you being here, and uh. If you wanted to catch up, we can go to dinner tomorrow night because we haven't talked much since you got here." He smiles, a little nervous.

"Oh, Ethan. Of course I'll go with you! It'd be nice to catch up." I smile, putting a reminder in my phone for tomorrow night.

"Great! I'll look forward to it." He smiles, a spring in his step as he walks out of the room.

A few moments later I hear a strong deep voice yell "YOU ASKED HER OUT TO DINNER?"
I jump up and run to the kitchen to see Mark towering over Ethan, holding him by the shirt.

"I wanted to catch up with her? Is that so bad? Just because you like her!" Ethan spits in his face.

"Oh you've done it now you little shit head!" Mark growls, throwing a punch, but Ethan ducks.

(Ok I just had to say this...

Mark shoves Ethan into the cupboard and a plate falls down onto the floor, leaving shattered glass everywhere.

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