4 - Q+A with Sean

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(L/n) - Last name
(F/n) - Fathers name

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Our relationship hasn't really been secret. But it hasn't really been open either. So today, to get our relationship a little less secret, Sean asked me if I wanted to do a Q+A with him.
"It'll be a few questions from our fans, nothing too personal." He smiles, pressing play on the camera. I nod as he comes to sit next to me, putting his arm on the back of my chair.
"Hey guys! I'm not gonna use my normal intro for this because I'm going to make poor (Y/n) deaf." Sean laughs, looking back at me. I laugh nervously, and look back at the camera, "We're doing a Q+A. Sean posted something on twitter asking you guys to leave us some questions and we're gonna answer them in this video. So here we go!" I say, grabbing his phone out of his hand.

When and where was your first date? What was it like?

"It was pretty good. But really awkward. Your dad dropped you off at my place, then my Mum drove us to McDonald's where we shared some nuggets." Sean smiles, looking over at me.
"Which was very convenient because I was craving nuggets that night." I giggle. "We also had our first kiss then."
"That was very awkward." Sean laughs nervously, "teeth clashed, heads bumped. I shiver just thinking about it."
"It was very awkward. But he was very sweet that night and showered me with compliments." I smile.
"She dressed very pretty and I was in jeans and a t-shirt." Sean laughs.
"I was just in a nice shirt and skinny jeans, nothing special." I respond.
"You were very pretty though." He says, his arm slipping down to my waist.

What was it like meeting each other's parents?

"Sean was very nervous." I laugh.
"I didn't know what to say, I was just like 'hello Mr and Mrs (L/n)'" He says shyly.
"You eventually got on my dads good side. When he asked you to call him (f/n) then you were alright." I giggle, rubbing his back. "Thank god." He laughs.

"You were alright with my parents. You were just so chill. You were like "hello Mr and Mrs McLoughlin I'm (Y/n)", you were smooth." He says, looking over at me.
"I'm as smooth as a baby's bottom." I laugh.

Have you lost your virginity to each other?

"I don't think we want to answer that." Sean laughs nervously.

"Well that's all for today, that was fun! Hopefully we can do something like this again soon. Bye!!" He smiles, waving at the camera.
"Well that was nice." I smile, as we get up and make our way to Sean's recording room. Once we get inside and I close the door, I see some dumbbells lying on the floor. "Ah, been working out again I see." I smile, as he moves them under his desk.
"Show me your guns."
He flexes and I pretend-faint, falling into his arms, where he catches me and pecks my lips, whispering "I saved you once again, my love." making my cheeks turn a light shade of pink. He then proceeds to sit me on his lap while he edits the video.
"Look at that laugh." He smiles, pointing the mouse in my direction.
"Gross." I laugh, smiling over at him.
"It's not gross it's adorable." He smirks, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Sean? What do you want for dinner?" I ask, knocking on the door to his recording room. "Sean?"
I slowly open the door to see Sean sitting in his chair, with his head on the desk. Walking slowly, I creep over to him and save whatever video he was editing, judging from the time in the corner of the screen, it was a bloody long one, maybe 3 hours.
I slowly rock his shoulders back and forth, slightly waking him up from a sleep.
"Mm?" He groans, lifting his head slowly off the desk.
"You fell asleep babe." I smile softly, helping him up.
"I'm tired." He says, resting his head on my shoulder. We slowly walk to our bedroom, and I help him lie down gently. Pulling the covers over him, I kiss his forehead and I am about to walk out when he grabs my arm and mumbles "Stay with me (Y/n)."
"I can't Sean, I have to cook dinner for you." I smile, trying to loosen his grip.
"Dinner can wait." He smirks, pulling me down onto the bed. I lie down, facing him and he pecks my lips, earning a smile from me.
"I love you (y/n)."
"I love you too Sean."

Sorry this took so long to come out, I've been stressing out about assessments but they're all done so I will be able to upload more frequently now.
Stay Cranky ✌🏻

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