14 - Puppy

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Suggested by: @AtTheDisco

It's winter. It's cold, but Starbucks is just down the road and my car broke down so I have to walk.

Stepping out of my warm house, a gust of icy cold air his my face. It's really early in the morning so not many people are around, that's a good thing too because I haven't put on any makeup and my hair is still up in yesterday's messy bun.

Carefully shuffling across the new snow I make it to the pavement and start walking. I'm looking down at the ground hoping I don't slip on any ice because, that would be embarrassing.

About halfway there, I turn down an empty street to see a gorgeous golden retriever walking happily towards me.
"Hey, puppy! What are you doing here?" I ask, bending down to pet the gorgeous puppy.
"Um, miss?" I hear a deep voice, making me jump and fall on my butt in the snow.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Here, let me help you up." He holds out his hand and I take it, dusting snow off the back of my pants.
"It's my fault I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." I sigh, trying to cover my red face. It's at this moment I actually look up at the man with the deep voice.

He softly smiles at me, his long, messy hair brushing in front of his brown eyes. I can't help but stare for a few seconds.
Shaking myself out of a daze, I clear my throat and say "Um, I was just going to Starbucks, do you want to come along?" To which he responds "sure, Chica's still a little frisky, so she could do with the extra walk."

"And that, my darling, is how I met your father."
"Is that what you're gonna say to her?" Mark asks, smiling up at me.
"How do you know it's a girl?" I giggle, rubbing my gigantic, circular stomach.
"I don't know, just a feeling I guess." He grins up at me, as I fiddle with my wedding ring.

So it's a short one, but I'm slowly trying to get back into the swing of writing
Leave any suggestions in the comments and I will get to them eventually.
Don't forget to vote, don't be a ghost reader 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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