7 - Jalapeños with Ethan

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"Hey, (Y/n)?" Ethan pipes up, looking at me. "Mm?" I answer.
"Do you wanna record a video with me? I've got an idea and you're gonna love it." He smiles, holding out his hand.
"Yeah sure!" I answer, taking his hand and he helps me up from the couch, taking me to his recording room.

We walk in and I see a packet of Jalapeños sitting on the desk.
"Ethan... please tell me we're not eating Jalapeños for the sake of a video." I whisper, as he sits down with me on his lap. "I'm Sowwy (Y/n), it'll be fun... pwease?" He begs in a baby voice.
"Fine." I groan, crossing my arms.
"Are you angry with me?" He asks, a little bit of worry surfacing in his voice.
"No..." I sigh, as he turns me around on his lap so I'm facing him.
"You're angry with me." He says, using the puppy eyes.
"I could never be angry with such a cute face." I smile, resting my head on his shoulder, with my arms around his neck. His arms make his way around my waist as he starts kissing my head.
"I love you (Y/n)." He smiles.
"Mmm." I grunt back.
"You don't love me?" He fake-pouts.
"I do..." I smile.

"Stop, Ethan... Ethan it tickles!" I giggle, as he starts kissing my neck.
"Nope. Not until you say you love me." He laughs, his death grip holding me in place on his lap. He keeps kissing my neck as I wiggle around, trying to stop him.
"Well?" He smiles.
"Ok ok!! I love you, Ethan!" I finally laugh, and he stops kissing my neck.
I sigh a big sigh of relief and he peck my lips once before saying "thank you."

"What is up my Cranky Crew! It's Ethan from CrankGameplays and today! I'm here with my girlfriend (Y/n), and we're gonna be eating Jalapeños while playing games." He smiles, holding up the Jalapeños. I smile slightly as he gets up the first game - GangBeasts
"If we both die then we have to eat a Jalapeño." Ethan smiles, starting to play.
"Don't die Don't die don't die don't die." I mutter, holding onto the edge of the truck. I manage to pull myself up but then both of us are smacked off by the sign...
"Oh no... oh no oh no." I smile, as Ethan hands me a Jalapeño.
"Eat it." He grins, moving the Jalapeño towards my mouth. I open my jaw slightly and he pushes it in as I push one in his mouth as well.
I bite down and start chewing, hoping to get that bundle of hell down my throat as soon as I can.
I swallow, but the spice hasn't hit me yet.
"Oh, that's not bad." I smile, but terror soon comes over my face as what feels like fire erupts in my mouth, all over my tongue. "Oh god..." Ethan growls, his hand instantly reaching for mine.
"Oh no. AHHHHH ETHAN!!!" I scream, burying my head in his shoulders.

3 Jalapeños later

"It burns!!! Ethan it burns!!" I groan, resting my head on his chest as the tears roll out of my eyes without permission.
"I know (Y/n) it hurts me too." He laughs, rubbing my back, as the tears stream down his cheeks as well.
While we're still playing the game, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and yell "HELLO IM ON FIRE WHAT DO YOU WANT" to which the responder hangs up instantly.
"Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff........." I ALMOST curse as spit flies everywhere.
The spice starts to calm down inh mouth as Ethan runs out of the room.
"F*ck F*ck my life....... F*CK ME!!!!!! ETHAN WHERE DID YOU GO?" I yell out, as Ethan staggers into the room, holding two jugs of milk.
"Oh yes please." I choke out, snatching a bottle off him. I open the lid and put the bottle to my lips, gulping down the soothing liquid...
"It's still there!!!" I cry out, taking another sip.
"Ethan, why did you make me do this...". I whimper... curling up into a little ball on his lap.
"I'm so sorry (Y/n)." He chuckles, softly stroking my hair.

20 minutes later

"Love you all! Stay Cranky Bye!!!" Ethan smiles, getting up to stop the recording.
I let out a long sigh, sinking down into his chair.
"You feeling ok?" Ethan asks, picking me up, I wrap my legs around his torso and bury my head in his shoulder. He stifles a small giggle and carries me downstairs to the couch, putting me down.
"I'll get a blanket, some chocolate, a few drinks and we can watch a movie ok?" He smiles, kissing my forehead.
"What about your video? Don't you have to edit?" I look up at him.
"It can wait. You're my number one priority right now." He states, planting another kiss on my cheek.
"You're officially the best boyfriend ever." I laugh, softly pecking his lips, as he smiles back at me.

A few minutes he comes back with all the promised items, and sits next to me, pulling me onto his lap.

Ethan's POV

She looks so perfect, her (h/l) hair brushing against my chest as hers slowly rises and falls.
Her eyes slowly flutter closed, so I put her down onto the couch and walk out to get some blankets.
Coming back into the room I find the T.V turned off and all the chocolate, drinks and chips put away, with (Y/n) sitting on the couch smiling up at me.
"Thank you." I smile, putting down the blankets on the couch.
"Do you just wanna sleep on the couch tonight? I can't be bothered walking to the other side of the house." (Y/n) asks, standing up and wrapping her arms around my neck.
"I was actually about to ask." I smile, my arms going around her waist. She giggles, resting her head on my chest.
"How did I ever come to meet you." She sighs. "Hmm?" I respond, looking down at her.
"How did I ever have the luck to meet such a good person. If I didn't meet you, I probably would be dead by now. With my clumsiness that it. I probably would of tripped over my own feet and died. Now I have you to fall onto whenever I trip." (Y/n) giggles, sitting down on the couch and pulling a blanket over her body. I jump next to her and pull one over myself, resting my head back on one of the cushions.
(Y/n) wriggles around and ends up lying on top of me. I put my arms on her back and she rests her head on my chest.

(Y/n)'s POV

"You all good now?" Ethan asks softly, rubbing my back slowly. "Mmhm." I reply, resting my hand on his chest.
"I love you, (Y/n)." He whispers, kissing my forehead.
"I love you too, Ethan." I smile, as my eyelids close slowly.

Sorry this took so long to come out.
Gimmie suggestions on what to do next and with who. I still have these people left to do:

You can always suggest an alter ego. I'm quite happy to do Dark, Anti, or any others that you can come up with.

Stay Cranky ✌🏽

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