20 - Dark (sexual)

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She's back?
No I'm not, I just had this chapter sitting there so I thought I wouldn't be a bitch and actually post it xD
I haven't edited this or anything so there are probably mistakes everywhere.
Enjoy :)





Groaning, I turn over and press snooze on my alarm clock. Slowly, my eyes focus on the blurry numbers in front of me



I shuffle to the bathroom and slowly get ready for the day, mumbling many profanities along the way.

Finally, after 10 minutes of groaning, I tie my hair up in a tight, high ponytail to stop it from falling in front of my face (unless you have short hair, then just leave it, or whatever).

And so the day begins. Trudging down the stairs, I make my way out of the apartment complex and manage to walk down to the nearest coffee shop. Setting up my laptop next to the window, I sit down with my coffee and notepad and get to work.

I'm a writer. All of my inspiration comes late at night when I'm in bed, so my notepad has a whole bunch of scribbles in it with different ideas. That's the reason I get up so early. So I can write out all of these ideas and hope to get a book or something out of it. Like now.

My fingers fly across the keys as more elaborate ideas come out of my head. Plans of new characters, new plots, complications, solutions, etc. keep pouring out of me.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. But there's no where else to sit."

I look up, making eye contact with this stranger who just sat in front of me. He had messy black hair that fell in front of his dark brown eyes every time he leant forward and was dressed in a grey suit. Looked kinda like that markiplier guy, but something was a bit different about him. This one seemed a bit more... dark.

"Sorry for staring, you're just the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He smirked, his eyes turning dark with lust.

"Thanks." I say bluntly, going back to my writing. Damn it, he made me loose my groove. Now I'm stuck.

"Can I get your number?" He asked seductively, leaning forward onto the table. I slammed my laptop shut and got up.

"Nope." I roll my eyes, walking away, completely oblivious to the countless stares I was getting.

As I turned the corner, I jumped back. The man was standing right in front of me.

"How did you... you were just in... what?" I stutter, trying to figure out how he got from the coffee shop to in front of me without me noticing.

"It doesn't matter. But I will get your number eventually." He smirked, straightening out his suit jacket before turning and walking away.

Okay... kind of creepy.

Over the next few weeks, he was appearing everywhere. I figured out that he was either a demon or I'm just blind. We were actually growing quite close, and I started to gain feelings for him.

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