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After I had dropped Ariel off at the Team 10 house, I went back home and everyone (except for Tori, who had left) was sitting on the couch.

"I cant believe you guys didn't believe Ariel!!! Tori was glaring at her the whole time! She is just trying to use us for fame but your all to stupid to see it. Ariel is not that kind of person who would do something like this and you all know that! TORI WAS FAKING!!!"

They all looked down. I could tell they were upset with themselves and honestly they should be...After I was done talking Logan called me so I answered,

"Hey Logan what's up?" He sounded scared for some reason.

"Yo I cant find Ariel have you seen her?!"

"The last time I saw her she was at the Team 10 house...what's wrong?"

"I went to the Team 10 house cause she asked me to pick her up and...there was broken glass on the floor and the table and couch were knocked over." He was crying now.."Ariel is missing."


After Daniel was done talking I felt horrible...he was right. We all should have known Tori was trouble. Daniel got a call and answered it and after a few words he looked pale white and I could tell something bad had happened.


After Daniel was done talking I realized he was right. I practically chose some random girl over my cousin...What the hell is my problem? I know her...I grew up with her yet I took someone else's side and now Ariel wont answer the phone to anyone. Daniels phone started to ring and I could here Logan's voice...they were talking about Ariel and Daniel look genuinely scared.


We all felt ashamed and completely shattered about what we did to Ariel. She had become one of my best friends...we were those best friends who kinda just did they're own thing and annoyed each other as much as possible.  We all had a special bond with Ariel. She was the one who kinda held us all together. Me and the rest of the guys absolutely loved Ariel. She was funny, cool, positive, she was just really nice to be around and now our best friend absolutely hated us.


I was almost in tears, my cousin wouldn't talk to me or call me, I had no idea where she was and I actually thought she hurt someone...At first I didn't think much about it and I honestly just though she was being dramatic but when Daniel explained it my heart broke, I should've been there for her. I should've had her back.


Daniel came home and yelled at us and after what happened today we kinda deserved it...I knew Ariel wasn't a bad person and yet I still turned my back on her....now that I think about it, Tori didn't even have a bruise on her. She probably was faking, and I did kinda notice how flirty she was with all of us. Then I heard Logan's worried voice as he was on the phone with Daniel. When we all heard Logan start crying and we saw Daniel go into shock...we all waited as he got off the phone and I felt horrified for some reason.


We all waited anxiously as Daniel was on the phone with Logan, I was scared out of mine and my heart was beating fast. Something was wrong...really wrong and I could tell. All of us were scared and shaking and chills were going up my entire body. I felt cold as ice...and as soon as I heard Logan crying on the other end that was my breaking point...Daniel hung up and turned to us and we all waited...then he spoke up after a while

"Ariel's missing.."

My heart instantly broke..

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