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After the movie was over I went to my room and started watching YouTube and doing makeup tutorials. When I got done, my makeup was absolutely FABULOUS. I texted and talked to some friends and liked some fan edits on YouTube. I sometimes wonder HOW they make these edits. Its impressive for sure. The guys had been gone for a good 2 or 3 hours. No one had any idea where they were. I even texted their manager and he said he didn't know where they were either. I was getting kinda worried considering its 9:00 at night and I have no idea where my boyfriend is. What if he was hurt? What if he's cheating on me right now? What if he got into a car crash and died and I had no idea about it? The absolute worst thoughts flooded my mind until I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it. I thought it was one of the girls coming to hang out with me at first but when I answered the door Zach was there wearing a tuxedo.

"Zachary Dean Herron do you have any idea what time it is?! I thought you were hurt! Or you were cheating! Wait were you cheating?! I swear Zach if I find out you were with another girl I'm gonna-" I was cut off by him kissing me and pulling me closer then he handed me a rose. He led me out to the car and we drove around for a while when I got out he blindfolded me and we started walking into a building.

"Zach what on earth are we doing?" I asked a little nervous honestly. 

"Shh you'll see." That's all he said when I heard him open some doors and we kept walking when he took off the blindfold, I saw a huge auditorium type thing. There was a disco ball and decorations and lights everywhere. There was drinks and cookies. It was all beautiful. Melanie and Christina were there too.

"Zach what's going on?" I asked while smiling and looking around.

"Well we realized that we missed your prom on our last tour so...we wanted to makeup for it." Zach kissed my cheek. 

"Aww babe you didn't have to." I said

"No but I wanted to. For you." He said and kept smiling.



I was watching T.V. and hanging out by myself when I started listening to music and just chilling when I heard a knock on my door. I was confused because I wasn't expecting any company. When I got up and got the door Jack was there with Flowers.

"Aww Jack what's going on?" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Will you go to Prom with me?" He asked while smiling.

"Prom? You missed my prom like a month ago and you don't go to school anymore." I was confused.

"Exactly I missed your prom. But I can fix that." He was still smiling.

"You can't just go back in time and take me to prom." I laughed.

"Right I can't change the past...but I can make a better Future." He kissed my hand and led me out to his car. We drove around for a good 5 minutes before we stopped at a tall brick building. I got out and Jack led me through it and all the way to an auditorium. It was decorated with beautiful and gorgeous decorations. Lights where everywhere and music was playing. There was a huge disco ball and stage.

"Omg Jack this is beautiful!" I was completely in awe. 

"Not as beautiful as you baby." He said. As the music kept playing we started dancing together and it was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. Not as sweet as Ariel somehow stuffing a teddy bear in a sock for me, (Its a long story) but sweet.



I was chilling on Instagram and SnapChat when I heard someone knocking on my door. It was like 9:30 pm so I was hoping it was Jonah. I got up and stretched for a minute before I opened the door and saw Jonah wearing a Tux and standing there with roses.

"Where have you been? I was worried!" I said as he handed me the flowers. I was still confused about what the tux was for.

"I can't tell you." He said while smiling.

"Why not?" I asked suspiciously. 

"It's a surprise. I wanna take you somewhere." He said and I was getting a little more suspicious that something was definitely going on. 

"Ok fine. Can I change first? I look like a mess." I said. I was wearing a black and white Adidas shirt and Jacket with matching shoes and blue jean short. I only have a little bit of makeup on too.

"A beautiful mess." He smiled and kissed my head. I followed him out to the car and drove around for a bit then he blindfolded me and we walked around until I heard him open a few doors then he took the blindfold off and the first thing I saw was beautiful decorations and lights along with slow music and drinks. The boys actually made us our own Prom. Jonah and I danced for a while before the boys all got up on stage.

"We just wanted to say we love you guys and you are all queens!" Dani said. One by one they placed crowns on our heads and kissed us and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. But we all snapped out of the romance because of our notifications going off.

"Did we all get the same texts?" Alyssa asked looking pale.

"Yes I'm here...have fun while it lasts because I know every single one of you and I know everything." Jonah read the text out loud. The boys were immediately by our sides. We got another texts and this time I read it.

"Go to the police and there will be consequences."

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